The Reunion// 2

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Eren's POV

I had just got home from work when I heard shuffling down the stairs.

"ERENNNNN" In a blink of an eye I was pounced on by my sister Mikasa. "WHAAATTTT" I screamed back to tease her.

She let go and pouted, sticking her tongue out. "I have good news!" she smirked while pulling me to the couch.

I laid back and sighed. "What is this good news you speak of?" I turned my head to see her smiling from ear to ear, which is very rare to see.

"The. Armin. Arlert.~" She stopped for a few moments and I guess she could see the quick change of emotion on my face because she grabbed me by the shoulders and screamed, "WANTS TO INTERVIEW YOU TO BE HIS NEXT MODEL!!"

I totally forgot he hung out every day with my sister. Armin Arlert wants me to model for him?

"Helloooo Earth The Eren?" I swung back to reality and jumped up. "I have to go now! Here put his number in my phone and I'll call him!" I screamed and threw my phone on the couch and ran to go change. "It's not until this week-" She sighed and shook her head.

Armin's POV

I was reading my favorite book, The Perks of being a Wallflower, when I felt my phone buzz. 'Unknown number' I hesitantly presses the green button and answered.


"Uh, Armin! Hey- Hi. Armin. This is um, Eren. Eren Jeager?" My sister told me to call you about the interview?"

I widened my eyes and looked at the clock on my wall. 'I thought I said this weekend?' I thought to myself before responding.

"Um, Yea! My only model cancelled on me and Mikasa said you have been looking for someone to model for?"

I hear Mikasa fangirling in the background and Eren trying to shush her. "Yea, So um Anytime is good for me, like for the interview."

"Oh ok! I will um, text you the plans and place if that's ok?"

"That's perfect! Thank you! I will see you soon I guess?"

I nodded and realized he couldn't see that.

"Yep! Thank you for calling! Have a good day."

And with that he hung up.

Is this real? I laid back and sighed, rethinking the events that just happened until I felt my phone buzz again.



I sat up and and thought of my free time during the week. I don't have anybody to hang out with besides Mikasa so I was free anytime.

Me: Hey Eren! Um, I'm sorry for it being so sudden but do you think we could meet up at my place tonight for the 'interview'?

Eren: Oh yea, sure! Just send me the address and I'll be right over!

I smiled at my phone then realized my house was a pigsty. 'I NEED TO CLEAN' was all I thought when I jolted out of my seat and started cleaning.


I just got done making coffee when I heard a knock at my door. "Coming!" I raced to the door and looked down at my band tee and blue skinny jeans before opening the door. (AN, I have finally changed his infamous P!ATD shirt.)

I looked up and met with the same shining emerald eyes I knew in High School. "Woah" I muttered softly under my breath and heard chuckles.

"D-Did I say that out loud?" He nodded and laughed more. "Um may I come in"

I motioned for him to come in and shut the door behind him. "Nice place" I smiled and started heading towards the kitchen. "Thanks, I was just making coffee if you want some." He followed me into the kitchen and I motioned for him to sit down.

I pulled another mug from the cabinet and poured some coffee, setting it down in front of him. I grabbed mine and sat down across from him, finally getting a full look at him.

He was wearing black  jeans with converse high tops and a blue sweater with a grey beanie.

"So um, this isn't really an interview I just wanted to talk about what you will be wearing and where the session will be" I muttered while stirring my coffee. Eren took a sip and smiled as he sat his mug back down. "So I'm hired already?". I chuckled a bit and rolled my eyes. "There's not much competition, sooo."

We sat in silence for a minute before he spoke up. "So you went into photography, nice" I forgot we weren't exactly strangers.

"Yea, becoming a math teacher just didn't suit for me later on after college" I chuckled and scratched the back of my neck.

"So, back to the session." I pulled out a couple of books with pictures of different outfits. "You just pick out which ones you like and I'll message the designer with your choices."

He looked down and I swear his jaw dropped. "Wow, these are clothes.. I used to have a Pinterest board of when I was in high school. I always wanted to dress this way!" His eyes glimmered and started circling the outfits he liked.

After about 20 minutes of him awing at the outfits he slid the books back to me. "That was fun" I said, trying to start a conversation, not wanting him to leave just yet. "Yea! If Mikasa hasn't told you yet, a lot of the people I tried to model for just didn't let me be myself so I ended up leaving" I felt a little bad but good at the same time that I could be the one who hired him.

It was silent again until Erens phone buzzed. He sighed and opened his phone "Oh, Hey it's Mikasa!" He read the message with focus, then frantically went to the weather app. "Oh..Oh no." I raised an eyebrow and leaned over the table to catch a glimpse. "What it is?" He flipped his phone screen to me and pointed at the map of our area. "They issued a snow storm warning."

It was winter and we always got really bad snow every year so I wasn't really surprised.

"If you want, you can stay here. I have a spare bedroom and a change of clothes." I offered while slowly feeling a blush creep up.

"If it's not much of a bother, I'd love to"


Eren's POV

After we finished our coffee, Armin showed me a tour of his small little house his grandfather had left him in his will. "-And here is the guest room, um I'll bring some clothes for you to sleep in" I nodded and walked in while he left. The house was like an antique doll house, but it was adorable.

"Um, here you go, I wouldn't doubt them being a little big but they should fit you" I nodded and took them from the fragile figure. "Thank you" I responded and flashed a smile. He smiled back and mumbled "Well I'll um, let you get change" he walked out and closed the door. I looked at the sweat shirt and simply moved it to my nose and inhaled the scents of vanilla and peppermint.

AU: Hey guys! I'm so sorry this is long but a lot of these might be long but some won't. I really hope you guys like this book because I love writing it! Thank you guys for almost 10 reads also! Have a good day:) ~ Charlie

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