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I watch as Dario swings his arms angrily.

Don't worry, smaller human fetus.

I was in the same position, but look at me now!

The doorbell rings and Jane shouts to the person about the door being open. I expect the woman who gave birth to me but it is a man.

"Peter! What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't just wait until you have a free moment. You tell me the most life altering news and expect me not to come over?"

"I don't want Morris to know!"

"I just wanted to come over and do this..."

They lock lips.

                This isn't right!

                                    She has Morris!

They separate and he kneels in front of her, pulling up her shirt.

"How's my little baby?"


Another baby?

She already has a tiny human!

"Ultrasound says everything is good. I just have to find a way to tell Morris."

"That you are filing for divorce?"

"I can't do that, Peter. I love him."

"So you are going to have and raise our child with him?"

"There's no other option."

"Just get a divorce."

"I think it's time for you to leave."

His face drops to reveal sadness.

"I'm sorry. Please let me stay. Just for a little while."

Jane crosses her arms, glaring at him.

"Go wait upstairs. My sister should be here any minute to watch the kids."

Peter puts his lips on Jane's cheek and his hand on a part that makes me wish I didn't have eyes. 

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