fragments of Cambridge ladies

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fragments of Cambridge ladies

            after e. e. cummings  (original poem link:

not caring

(not them)

as they bandy coy scandal,

fluttering eyelashes and tongues


their perfectly-furnished souls

so stale and unbeautiful,

padded to stifle spirit.

cornered in futile cornerlessness

the precise hue of the (invariably)

lavender sky.

as the moon rises

while writing (at present)

trembling poignant phrases

with mind wailing,

distinctly (un)comfortable.

rattling dull needles

(ever) knitting




(ever twisting)

into the unscented, the shapeless.

ever ripping reputations

into miniscule shreds

(ever) fragmenting.

while the sky-lavender sky

refuses to blame the (ever-bitter) candy

for its righteous anger.   

Copyright 2013 by Cassandra Lowery (pen name of Susanne Barrett)

All rights reserved. 

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