Chapter 4: Liar Liar

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an update that's actually NOT a month apart. cool. i actually have most of the chapters planned out now, in detail... so that's cool. thank parachutepunx for that. also tyde. 'cause i'm at his house rn.

February 2nd, 2018.

"Hey, guys!" Geoff smiled as he greeted all of the members of the club, watching as they slowly filled the room. Claire, Jack and Inigo were in one corner having a very heated yet friendly argument over god knows what, Kortney and Carter already began to pull chairs out to form a circle, Westen and Nick were sitting in a section of the circle, and the rest hadn't shown up yet.

Lynn suddenly wheeled into the room. "How're you, Geoff?" She asked.

"I'm pretty good, Lynn. Thanks for asking. You?" Geoff responded, still managing a wide smile.

Lynn nodded lightly. "Me too, actually. I'll be right back, talk to you in a few. I've gotta talk to Nick about something."

Geoff waved her off, keeping a smile until she turned her back. He sighed somewhat loudly, but attempted to conceal it. Everyone was off in their own groups, and he'd always felt awkward joining already formed clusters, so he was stuck greeting everyone who came in, even if at this point he knew them so well they might be able to recite his social security number from memory.

Awsten suddenly walked through the door, arriving earlier today which was rather shocking to Geoff. He had only attended about six meetings thus far, but he was slowly getting better at the concept of the club, which Geoff was pretty happy about.

He was actually pretty happy to see Awsten in the first place. Why, he wasn't too sure. Maybe it was because there was a definite chance of Awsten actually conversing with him.

"Hey, dude," Awsten waved with one of his hands, the other holding up his longboard. Geoff noticed it almost immediately, as it was hard to ignore with a large green M obviously hand-painted on the bottom. It wasn't crudely done though, like one would expect. It was a nice board. "What's up?"

Geoff smiled, gesturing towards the board. "Oh, nothing. I like your longboard."

"Oh, thanks!" Awsten visibly lit up, now smiling widely compared to his previously uninterested-looking facial expression. "Do you skate?"

"I- no." Geoff laughed. Awsten's face fell slightly, but he was still clearly listening. "Remember in the seventh grade when you tried to teach me, and as soon as I got on the board, you accidentally pushed me down that huge hill? Yeah, I don't think it's exactly my calling. Looks cool, though."

Awsten burst into laughter, which seemingly got the attention of half of who was already in the room. No one had seen him genuinely laugh until now, and so it was kind of a shock to the rest of them. Awsten and Geoff however, paid no mind.

"Oh my god! That was so funny!" Awsten mused, thinking about it aloud. "You were all 'Awsten, I'm gonna kill you,' and tried to run back up to get to me, but I ended up tumbling down the hill on top of you because I tripped on a rock out of fear."

Geoff started laughing too, actually to the point where he had tears coming out of the corners of his eyes. "Poor, poor Gracie had to clean up all our wounds 'cause your mom was at work. You literally screamed when she put rubbing alcohol on your scraped knee."

"I'm weird about that stuff, okay?" Awsten caught his breath, still laughing under it though. He nearly dropped his board when he was laughing earlier, and so he held onto it even tighter than previously. "I've got sensitive skin."

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