Rules are Rules

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 I was looking out for my little earthling again. Careless, and seemed to know NOTHING about what potentially could happen. Sigh. Life only gets better doesn't it? 

He was coming back from some club, the rest of his friends from his stupid boyband all drunk, but thankfully he was sober. Poor guy. He had to handle all of them drunk, doing dum mindless things drunkenly. If I could only help him. 

Psssh do I even care about him personally? Sure, I had to care for him, but it was a DUTY. Not neccessarily something I enjoyed or wanted to do. 

Liam definitely looked frustrated, as he told one off his friends off for streaking. Hehehe! I wonder who is taking care of that lad! One of them was sitting on the ground now, seeming to do meditation. Serious eye rolling going on. 

He managed to pick up the meditation guy, and stop the streaking dude from tearing his shirt off, and started to cross the road. 


Oh god oh god what ON HEAVEN AM I GONNA DO?! (see what I did there?)  

If I let him die, I'll have some sort of punishment. Which was going to be pretty bad. If I save him, I'd still get a punishment. 






Oh just let him die. 


My heart and brain battled with each other. (As you see, we angels can do things pretty fast- like this took about a millisecond)

I controlled a lamp post nearby and smashed it on the ground right infront of the car, and next to Liam and his drunk friends. I sighed and clutched my heart. 

That was close. 

Tia and my other friends close by me saw what I did and gasped. 

"You are in trouble, my friend!" Tia hissed and shook her head. I gulped and concentrated on what was going on in Earth. 

Rule No. 1: Do not meddle with earthly affairs. 

Oopsies. Broke that one. 

Liam clearly looked shocked as he could get, clutching on to his friends who have either sat down or tried to run off. He let them go and hurried to the driver of the car. Oops is he okay? (I mean the driver)

Oh my gosh, thank the lord, he's okay. Phew. Phew. Wipe sweat off forehead. 

I glanced back at Tia, who's mouth was shaped in an 'o' and some other angels around had the same expression. 

"Oops?" I shrugged but their expressions remained the same. 

"That was Rule No. 1, Jade. You've already been punished once for breaking a rule. And that wasn't a major one!" Tia scolded, "You KNOW the consequences!" 

"Yeh, yeh. We'll see if he even finds out, I mean, who can he know about every single move we make and what earthlings make?" I snapped. 

* Could I please see Jade. Jade please, to my quarters. Now. * 

"Said a little too fast huh?" Tia sniggered and patted me on the back, "Good luck bro, you'll need it."

I rolled my eyes and headed to his quarters as instructed. 

"Jade. What is Rule No.1?" Father asked me the second I set foot in his quarters. Lavish fountains, twittering birds, fresh scent of the air and the breeze sweeping the leaves. 

Fighting For Love ❬ 1D Adventure Novel ❭Where stories live. Discover now