Life is full of Surprises... just stating a fact!

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Dealing with 5 guys was like going on a suicide mission. 

Absolutely Impossible!  Just getting them to cooperate and carry their luggage through A DOOR has become a 10 minute task. Louis wanted to go in first, but Niall really needed to pee, but then Zayn also needed the toilet so now Niall and Zayn were fighting over who gets the toilet first. Louis then realised he needed the toilet as well so he joins in the stupid fuss.

And then they made an even bigger fuss by stating the fact that we're all wet (I poured water on myself after Tia left to look like I wasn't the only person who was affected by the 'Water Prank') and then all the others decided to start fussing over their soggy shirts, while Tia and I were the only sensible ones who were trying to keep the noise level down, and get their asses, in the darn room. 

"GUYS! JUST FUCKING SHUTUP AND MOVE YOUR ASSES INSIDE THE ROOM OR I WILL PUNCH YOU ALL!" I shouted frustrated with their childish attitude. This was not the time! 

The noise immediately halted, and they stared at me wide-eyed. 

"Whoa I never knew you could swear Jade," Niall whispered. 

"JUST SHUTUP AND GET INSIDE!!" I screamed, now really pissed off. Even Tia looked slightly stunned by my tone. She hurried the boys inside the room before I practically exploded. Yes! Everyone was wet and needed to shower off, but for God's sakes, it'll be much faster if you just get inside the room already! 

"Calm down Jade.. Jeesh your mind is about to explode," Tia commented. 

I waved her off and lugged in my bags and started to unpack my stuff. We were all bunking in one room- it was quite underkept compared to the rest of the Warehouse. The room was painted a ugly yellow, peeling a little here and there, and there were 4 Bunk Beds tightly packed together in the room. At least the place was clean, I could live with it. We had to share a bathroom, unless you wanted to go to the outdoor one which meant you had to shower with nothing covering you! Na-ah, ain't happening. The bathroom was clean, maybe a little cobwebs on the ceiling but I hope Tia wouldn't notice when she went to shower.. She was terrified of spiders! 

We were all forced to take 3 minute showers since there was a limited hot water supply, but I could cope with that... Tia certainly couldn't! She took like, what 10 minutes? Even after banging on her door, and telling her she was gonna use up all the hot water, she only realised she actually did when her water ran cold -.- And then I had to shower! She was first in line, so all the boys had to have cold water. Because of HER! Nah kidding, I actually love her. 

"We should head to the main room now, apparently John wants us there ASAP," Zayn mumbles running his hands through his hair and spiking it up a little. 

I nodded, and I journeyed outside first. I wanted to explore the 'Warehouse', but I had yet to find out why we were here instead of some hotel. 

Shutting the door to the room, I strolled through the hallways someone had expertly created inside the humongous warehouse. On the walls, there were pictures of people- really old grainy pictures of mostly men. I stared at one of the pictures and stifled laughs looking at one of the guys' moustaches, Inside joke with Tia.. :) 

The hallways, in contrast to our room were very modern, painted black and carpeted black. 

I heard the lot coming down from the other end of the hallway, so I stopped and turned around just to let them catch up. 

"HAHAHAH! LOOK AT THE GUYS GOATEE!" Tia burst out pointing at the picture of the man with the weird moustache, and I too cracked up. 

"What's so funny?" Harry stared at us amusedly. 

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