Chapter 17

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Lydia is lost in between a pile of open books and a handful of notes spread over her coffee table when she hears the lock of her front door being turned. The smile immediately appearing on her lips transforms into a full grin when she spots Stiles by the door with Ariel sitting comfortably on his shoulders, giggling like a lunatic.

She's never gonna get enough of watching Stiles interact with her daughter.

After being denied a romantic evening (Stiles and his plans be damned!), a rather short breakfast (in which, by short, Lydia means that Ariel was up almost from the moment she heard Stiles walk in the apartment, given Lydia and Stiles little to no time by themselves), and a whole day without him since Stiles stopped by the shop to get a feel of things before going back to work next Monday, Lydia has really missed her boyfriend.

The guilty thought that she should have asked someone to pick up Ariel for her so she could grab a moment alone with her boyfriend swiftly crosses her mind.

She's a terrible parent.

"Mommy, mommy! Look what Stiles gave me," Ariel yells, and Lydia takes notice of fresh flowers on her daughter's little hand. Stiles puts Ariel down safely and the girl runs to the couch to meet Lydia, excitedly showing off her present. "Look! Aren't they pretty?"

Lydia smells the small bouquet and smiles. "They sure are, hon. Have you thanked Stiles yet?"

"Mmm-hmm," the girl nods along, fascinated with the flowers. "Can I put them in my bedroom?"

"Sure," Lydia replies as Stiles closes the front door and she watches as he puts his keys and wallet on the small table closest to the door as if it's the most normal thing, as if this domesticity is already an intrinsic part of them. God, she's in deep. "Why don't you go change and then we can find somewhere to put them, sweetie?"

Ariel darts to her bedroom as soon as Lydia finishes talking, and Stiles is behind her on the couch before Lydia can get up to meet him. "Have a good day?," Stiles asks, kissing the top of her head.

Lydia pulls him down for a proper kiss. "Yeah. Long, though."

Stiles takes in the messiness of the coffee table. "Work giving you trouble?"

Lydia doesn't take her eyes off him as Stiles makes his way around the couch to sit beside her. Where did she ever find a man as good looking as him? "No," she replies, scooting closer to his side. "Just had a lot to catch up on."

Stiles drapes an arm over her shoulders lazily, moving a little near as well. "Me too. The shop's been really busy while I've been gone. I have a lot of work awaiting me next week."

"You can handle it," she states jovially, kissing his cheek. "And I know how much you've been itching to get back to it." She had noticed, several times over the weeks when Stiles had stayed over after his injuries, how antsy he would get sometimes without having much to do with all the free time when he couldn't move.

"I'm sure your dad and Scott have missed you there as well."

"Yeah." Stiles can't really deny how much he's missed it. He's relieved to finally be able to go back to work, especially with all the projects that he's eager to start, more so the ones that Lydia can't even dream about. "Ariel wants to stop by the shop sometime."

"Of course. I can pick her up from preschool some time and we can meet you there, go out for dinner perhaps."

"Or stop by the park. She was thrilled today," he grins, remembering the little redhead running around with Eric and Charlotte while they played with each other. Stiles had been the designated uncle to pick up some of the kids from preschool and school today, so he'd taken his time with them to visit a small park downtown. The one they usually frequent is bigger, but Stiles is still a little reticent to get behind the wheel after his injuries, so he'd decided to walk the kids instead. Having left Charlotte and Eric with their mothers as they left their shifts, Stiles had strolled through town with Ariel trailing close by, letting the girl delightfully gawk at every other window display that is already advertising the coming Christmas. "We found some flowers on the way, and she liked them so much that I just picked them up for her. They were also gonna be for you but I think she got to attached."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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