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Author notes:

this chapter isn't really like a chapter. It's just basic information that is necessary for this story to even make sense... 

I'll try to update as much as possible but I don't know how often that's gonna be due to school and stuff :| But I promise I will try :) K THANKS. 


Tears flooded out uncontrollably... Everything moved in slow motion, I could hear my heart beating against my ribcage. I was a hospital which was quite busy though I didn't really notice. Holding ono the sides of the bed, I stared at my mother as she laid there. She looked lifeless but at peace. The pulse was still there but it was faint. I feel like I've been here for centuries, waiting for my mother to get better but she never does. Sleep-deprivation was causing me to be extremely tired and I decided to sit down on this red chair to the side of the bed. I could feel my eyelids getting heavily and before I knew it,  I had dozed off. Something that I'll regret for the rest of my life. "Niall", a voice said to me softly with a hint of sorrow and pity...

My eyelids flutter open to see a nurse. I immediately looked over at my mother... She wasn't there. I jumped up and looked around. WHERE THE HELL WAS MY MOTHER?!? I looked at the nurse, preparing to ask where she was but she stopped me before I could by saying "I'm sorry but your mother has past away", she didn't really look at me but I knew why... She felt guilty for not waking me up earlier, before my mother had died... I just dropped to the ground, tears falling instantaneously. I cried, screamed, everything you could imagined... You can't BLAME me can you? MY MOTHER JUST FUCKING DIED! Anyone who's alright after that is heartless.


After a few hours, I had calmed down and decided I needed a place to stay as I was still underage and therefore couldn't live on my own. I dialled for best-friend, he was always looking out for me almost like a father would... "Niall?", he said clearly worried about me "is you mum alright?"... I started just sobbing uncontrollably and told him what happened and he just listened, I think this is why I he's my best-friend. He'd always listen to me... After all that he ask me to move in as he had a spare room since his brother moved out a couple of months back after leaving for college...

I arrived at Liam's feeling incredibly empty and numb. I had no more tears to cry and to be honest I just wanted to lie down for a while... When he opened the door, he flashed me a reassuring smile and I smiled back though it was fake. He showed me to the room I'd be staying and he said that since his parents are never home, I could bring people over to comfort me... Not that I have anyone else apart from Liam.

After this, Liam went out leaving me to settle in. But I just collapse onto the bed because I hadn't slept for days apart from tha nap at the hospital... I quickly drifted off. My dreams, they were not dream but rather nightmares... The constant flashbacks of me now being awake when my mother died. I killed me inside. That I wasn't there when she died... Would it be different if I was there? These things tore me apart...


I was woken up by Liam, telling me it was time to got to school. He did ask me "What do you want for breakfast"... I didn't reply, I was too down so he just left me to think. I put on my clothes, a polo with a cardigan, blue tight jeans and a pair of high tops... I then did my hair, even though I was down I couldn't, no I wouldn't let it show when I was at school. I don't need people butting into my business. And with that I went downstairs, smiled at Liam for making me breakfast even though it was just cereal, coco pops to be exact... Like the said it's the thought that counts...

I quickly finished my cereal and walked to school with Liam. It was a silent journey, I think he could feel my sorrow and didn't want to do anythign to upset me... He was so thoughtful and I truly felt lucky that I could call him my best-friend...


Ugh, IDK about this chapter... It seems so boring? Tell me what you think? <3 you... 

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