It'll Take Your Attention

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It's been four years

Since I entered the college

Leaving the school with the foulage.

Another chapter started again,

Another one ended again.

But that's the beauty of life

Where something ends a new beginning starts

And that's how the cycle starts.

But it's my perception

So pardon me if it's different from your inception

'cause I may not be good at artwork's invention

But I'm sure it'll take your attention.

So hold your breath and stop the chit chat

And listen to it while your heart goes kit-kat

You got it right that's not a word

But that's how my mind works.

So that's how it begins;

In the month of august,

There was a wind gust.

Travelled 20 km in a rush,

Entered the class with a hush,

Settled down on a third desk with a girl

Where boring lectures got my mind whirled.

Soon new friendships blossomed here

Whilst the self-lone-ship ended here.

But happiness didn't last longer

When they threw the order by the onager

Unity broke and we got separated

Ending in different classes getting aerated.

Frustration ended when new class welcomed

Making us getting rid of swelling heart

By giving a dwelling-cart.

After six months we ended up in "aero"

In our abode we felt like pharaoh.

Days passed, exams bashed and felt as if we were thrashed

As the days passed we became superior

Took a step from junior to senior

Lecture got us bored making mind sore

When saw "MD" numericals on the board

Keeping eyes wide awake during lectures

Was tough as if it gave brain a fracture

So bunking was the option we had

And we enjoyed it, just a tad.

I know years would pass

Memories would fade

But friendships would last that we've made

After this third of may

People would think as i say

In the wane of the day

Would walk down the memory lane

Not in search of pain or bane

But to simply have a crumb of this day

Would look at the empty glasses

And there would be some flashes

Where we drank juice, ate momos

And how we can forget "golgappe "

for us it was our frappe

and that's how it has ended

but it's my perception

so pardon me if it's different from your inception

'cause i may not be good at artwork's invention.

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