A Romantic Week

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Yay! My 1st Lolirock fanfic!

*On Monday...*

Iris, Talia, and Auriana were practicing singing and dance to "Music Revolution". After practicing, they stopped at the smoothie shop and grabbed several smoothies (including Amaru for some reason...). But something caught Talia's eye. Its Kyle! He entered the shop just now and stood in line. Talia blushed. Auriana noticed her.

"Uh oh," said Auriana, "Someone's in love again! *Talia and Kyle sitting in a tr-*" Talia covered her mouth. "Please don't!", she replied. "Aww come on," said Auriana, "I know you wanna ask him out, yeah?" Talia hesitated. "You know what," she replied, "Im finally gonna ask him out!" Talia smiled at the thought. "Yay!" Auriana cheered, "get him, girl!" Talia chuckled and walked up to Kyle. He seems pretty fine from the looks of it. "Sooo, uuhh, Kyle," she shyly asked, "do you...want to...go out with me?" Kyle smiled. "Sure," he answered, "Can't say no to that, right?" "Oh!" she exclaimed, "Well ok!". Talia blushed and walked with him. "Talia, wait!" Auriana called. "Well that was unexpected!" "I know right?" Iris said, "She just flew off, just like that! What's with her?". Nathaniel came to the girls. "Hey, you g-" Nathaniel interrupted and looked around, "Where's Talia?" "With Kyle, Nat," said Auriana sadly," "With Kyle." She slurps on her smoothie.

*On Tuesday*

After Lolirock practiced again, they grabbed the smoothies from yesterday from the refrigerator and starts to drink. Talia and Auriana stayed in Iris's room while Iris talked to Aunt Ellen in the kitchen. Auriana sat down with Talia. "Talia?" "Yes?" Talia asked. "Where did you and Kyle go yesterday?" "We went to Boba Fever," She answered "It was soo nice and romantic!" "Oh, hehe," Auriana chuckled, "sounds like you two had a lot of fun." "We sure di-" Talia was interrupted by her phone ringing and looks. "Oops! Sorry I have to take this. Its Kyle!" "Mmm Hmm..." Auriana murmured. Talia answered the phone. "Hey Kyle. What's that? Get to know your parents?! That's awesome! See you there!" she hung up. "Excuse me, but I have to go again and meet Kyle at his house. See ya!" She ran to the front and leaves the house. "There she goes again..." said Auriana. Iris took a sneak in her room to see Auriana on the bed. "*Sigh*, poor you."

*On Wednesday*

Iris, Amaru, and Auriana took a walk in the park. Iris looked around. "Where's Talia?" asked Iris, "I haven't seen her all day." "Probably with Kyle again..." Auriana answered. Amaru tugs on Iris's shirt, chatters, and points at a bench with Talia and Kyle sitting and talking. The girls and Amaru walk up to them. "Umm... Talia?" Auriana called. "Oh!" Talia exclaimed, "Kyle, I think you remember my friends, Iris and Auriana." "Hello, again!" greeted Iris. "Hey..." Auriana said sadly. "Nice to see you guys again!" said Kyle, "can't you guys believe we're officially a couple, now?" The girls gasped. Auriana squealed and hugged Talia. "I knew you could do it!" "Yes," said Iris, "you took it to the next level!" "Aww," said Talia, "Thanks guys." Kyle cleared his throat. "Oh yeah," Talia remembered, "I have to go to the science museum with Kyle. See you later!" "Bye, Talia!" the girls said. "Man," said Auriana, "she's always going somewhere with Kyle!" "Just give it a rest," Iris supported her, "its their first time being in love together." Auriana mumbled.

*On Thursday*

Auriana sat in Iris's room watching tv and going through channels. She stopped when Iris came in the room and sat next to her. "How are you, Auriana?" Auriana sighed. "Really bored." She stopped to find Talia and Kyle figure skating on tv! "Look at that form," exclaimed the female announcer, "its one of the best skating scenes this year!" Auriana looked suspiciously at them. "So that's where they went!" Talia and Kyle entered the room with a gold trophy in their hands. "Guys!" Talia exclaimed, "can you believe we-" "That's ok, Talia," said Iris, "We already saw." She points at the tv. "Congrats you two!" said Auriana. They both said thanks. Kyle looks at his watch. "Looks like its time for me to go home." "Ok," said Talia, "Bye Kyle!" "Goodbye!" She kissed him on the cheek and waved when he exited. Auriana layed down and closed her eyes.

*On Friday*
Auriana was practicing her singing when she heard Aunt Ellen laughing outside the room. She went to check it out and saw her chatting with Kyle and Talia.
"Oh, Kyle, I never thought you-"
Auriana came in between them. Everyone was puzzled. "Kyle," Auriana asked, "Why are you here?" "Why can't I be," he answered, "I'm not a psycho aren't I?". Everyone laughed. Auriana got a little furious. 'You kinda are a psycho,' She thought, 'For stealing my friend!' She marched angrily back to the room when Iris came from the hallway to stop and notice her. "What's with her?" Aunt Ellen shrugged.

*I know. Pretty corny right? Well don't worry. It will get better.*

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