Chapter 6

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I sat in the middle of a white plain under the calming scenery of a blue sky. Puffy cumulus clouds hung stilly on their blue canvas, and the trickery of my mind convinced me that there was an even breeze blowing across the stillness.

This wasn't real, I knew.

But I'd do whatever it took to continue to see his face.

Dad was across from me, mirroring my cross legged way of sitting. He was silent with his hands crossed loosely over his chest, and his white hair contradicted the sunless backdrop in the weirdest way.

I had only just figured out how to manipulate my own dreams, so I sat in silence with the mirage of my father's serene face in front of me. I was even able to make it look like he was actually breathing.

I fiddled with the rim of the large T shirt Aizawa had given to me the first day I resided in his house. Before Dad was killed. I clung to the dark burgundy material and let out a breath.

"What's the matter, Snowflake?" The mirage of Dad spoke up. I turned to him to see that his piercing, icy eyes were open and looking at me. He even used my childhood nickname.

Or rather I did.

"I miss you." I confessed to nothing, looking down at my bare lap again.

"I know you do," He cooed. I heard him shuffle before seeing his hand consume mine. "But you've been doing good."

"Maybe," I mumbled. "It's just an act. Surely a figment of my own imagination would know that."

"You're right. I'm just saying what you think I'd say if I was actually here." I could tell he was smiling.

"I know."

Silence again. Another light breeze blew passed us. I turned up again and his eyes were shut; lips held in a straight line. It was strange to see him like that, even though he sat that way almost all the time when he was alive. I suppose knowing this version of him wasn't real changed how it looked. I don't know.

"Will..." I trailed off. He looked at me blankly, waiting for my request to make it to his brain. "Will I ever see you again?"

"You see me right now." He said matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes.

"No," I shook my head. "I mean, the real you."

Dad smiled. "Some day, Snowflake."

"Soon, do you think?"

"No. You're time isn't up yet. People still need you."

"They needed you too, you know." My eyes fell downcast again.

"You needing me and civilians needing me are two different things, Osoroshi," He almost sounded displeased. I squeezed the fabric of my shirt. "You're strong enough to go without me — to fill my shoes as a Pro Hero. You've been strong enough without me since you were young."

"That's what you think," Tears. Thick, cold tears. "But you never asked."

"I could see that you didn't."

"Then you must be blind," I hissed, not looking up. "Or just... really stupid."

"Snowflake," Dad cooed, cupping my cheeks to wipe the fallen tears away. "You'll never be without me again."

"How can you say that when you're dead?" I groaned, smacking my palms over my face.

"Even if I'm not here," he pulled my hands away by the wrist to look at me. "We're connected, we always will be. I'm never going to stop encouraging you from the other side."

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