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The Thousand Sunny was sailing through the waters smoothly and calmly even though the ship has been through a lot of hardships along with the crews aboard the Sunny.

They're finally on their way to the final island. They could count the hours and they're excited more than anything.

Luffy was sitting on his favorite spot on the Sunny, looking into the horizon that seem to never be nearer no matter how fast they sail. He was deep in thoughts that he missed hearing Sanji calling out to everyone lunch was ready.

"Do you think Luffy is nervous? He hasn't budge a bit since Nami said we're on the right way to reach Raftael." Usopp asked the crew as they settled into their own spot in the dining room.

Nami looked out to where she caught only glimpse of Luffy's figure through the open doors.

"I bet he's just excited as we all are." Franky said as if it was nothing big at all.

"Hey, we're on the way to the final island. Raftael." Usopp said and seem to be shaking. "Are you nervous or you're having your disease coming back?" Brook asked and continued with a "yohohoho".

Nami seemed to didn't focus on what they were talking about as she focuses on Luffy. "I'll skip lunch." She says as she began to stood up and walk out from the kitchen.

"I'll keep your food until you feel like eating, Nami-swan!" Sanji called out while blowing kisses. "Thanks." She waved before her figure was no longer seen.

"I think I know what's about to happen." Robin said smiling. The others smiled too.

Nami took small steps to reach Luffy, all the while appreciating his muscular back. "Luffy?" She called out softly.

Luffy turn to her and gives her his signature grin. "What's up Nami?"

Nami smiled back and soon reach the deck and she leans her arms over. Standing beside Luffy who was seated on his favorite spot. "You've been deep in thoughts after I said that we're finally on our way to the final island. Is something wrong?" She asked sounding a bit concerned.

Luffy settled back to look onto the horizon, "I've been thinking."

"About?" She rested her eyes on the horizon, wondering if the horizon was the final island itself.

"Everything. The past, the now, the future."

"We've been through a lot huh.. And now we're here." Nami said softly.

"Yeah. A lot of things happened. Thinking back to when I was still 17 when I said I would be Pirate King and now, my dream would come true in just hours to come." He released his breath that he seems to be holding. "You're almost finishing the map of the world." He continued and gave her a smile.

"I still have a long way to go." She sighed while returning his infectious smile.

"You're going to sail the seas by yourself?" Luffy suddenly sounded sad.

"Depends." She said, still smiling. Her eyes were glittering by the sun's halo.

"No. Sail with me." He said firmly, more like an order from the captain.

Hearing those words that came out from Luffy's mouth made Nami lift her chin to look at Luffy who was gazing at her. "Luffy, you know once this is over, we'll be going our separate ways to continue our lives?"

"I know that. But I'll be still sailing the seas. I've said it before, becoming the Pirate King means you can sail the seas freely. What's the point of becoming the Pirate King if you would not sail the seas anymore?" He replied seriously.

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