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"Lu-Luffy, calm down!" Usopp called out to him as their captain stormed back to the Sunny angrily with Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Brook trying to catch up with him. Behind them all was Nami who looked like she was about to explode at any moment.

As they arrived at the Sunny that was decked on the coast of an island, Chopper welcomed them but soon killed his mood as he knew something was wrong with the expressions on their faces.

"Luffy, we all made it back safely. So let's just let this past, yeah?" Sanji said as he lit his cigarette.

Luffy turned around angrily and face Nami, "I told you to stay away." He said trying to control his anger.

"I couldn't help it!" She replied back.

Everyone knew this is going to be very ugly. Robin, Franky and Chopper asked for Sanji or Usopp's explanation what happened back in the island and Usopp said he'll stay to stop Luffy if something were to happen. Zoro was already asleep at his usual spot. Or maybe he's awake but pretending to be asleep.

"Couldn't help what? Getting yourself killed?" Luffy asked sarcastically.

Nami fumed angrily and it takes everything in her to not slap Luffy. "You were in danger!"

"That doesn't give you a reason to jump in front of the enemy!" He turned around to face the sea.

"Who else was going to save you if you were busy attacking the boss when you didn't notice his men was aftering you?!" Nami shouted. The bomb inside Nami exploded.

"Save me? You were the one who needs to be saved!" He grip on the deck tightly.

"I'm still alive. So don't turn this into such a drama." She said obviously trying to avoid their fight getting bigger.

"You could've died if I didn't get to you in time." He seethed.

"Then thank you." Nami replied crossing her arms and looking away.

"When I gave orders to retreat. Follow them." He said as he sighed deeply.

"I know-"

"Then why didn't you do it?! You are a navigator, nothing more." He shouted.

At this time, Nami's eyes were beginning to filled her eyes. She dared to blink.

"Makes me wonder why didn't you cower and hide like you always did." He said aloud.

That's it. Everyone heard he said it loud and clear. Usopp drop his jaw. Zoro opened his eye. The kitchen where everyone else was inside fell into deep silent. Sanji dropped his cigarette in disbelief. Brook's was pouring his tea beside the cup. Franky spit his Coke out. Chopper froze. Robin went wide eyed.

"Luffy, you went to far!" Usopp barked at him. But before Luffy could shot him a glare, Nami replied.

"So what if I'm only a navigator? That it doesn't give me the right to help my comrades?"

Her tears are streaming down from her eyes and her grip on her jeans tighten.

"Na-Nami.. Calm down." Usopp approaches her but she quickly walked away and went inside her navigation room.

"Luffy!" Sanji shouted angrily. All of them exited the kitchen and Sanji punch Luffy's face really hard. "At least you shouldn't have said that last sentence. I'm hurt too you know." Usopp talked with a playful tone hoping to ease the tense atmosphere around them.

"What are you? An idiot? Nami was trying to help you. You should thank her for being brave enough to do that." Sanji said giving his captain a glare.

"Enough. It already happened so just accept it." Zoro said annoyingly and both Sanji and Luffy shot him a glare.

"Want to go?" He glared back as he started to pick up one of his swords.

"Stop it!" Usopp shouted.

"Sanji-kun, can you please make me a cup of tea?" Robin asked Sanji with a smile and he immediately swoon over her.

Luffy huffed and went to sit on his favorite spot.

Hours passed and soon the sun is starting to set.

Nami got out from her room and went inside the kitchen to drink water. Sanji and Brook were inside the kitchen and they didn't ask her anything. Well, they acted normally.

She went to where Luffy is and called him, he turned with a serious expression. "What?" He asked quietly.

Nami stop as she stand beside him. "Sorry for earlier, back at the island. I won't do it again." She started.

Luffy didn't replied and only continued to stare at the sea.

Minutes passed by and she still didn't get a reply, the bomb inside her starting ticking and she wondered if she should apologize again.

"Look, I'm really-"

"Can you please just leave me alone?" Luffy said, annoyance was clear in his tone.

Nami froze and seconds later she cried, "What's wrong with you?!"

Luffy inhale deeply, "Don't start this Nami."

Nami slap his left cheek really hard that everyone on the ship could hear it.

"Is it so hard to leave me alone?" He said, trying to control his anger.

"I'm trying to apologize here so why are you acting like such a kid?!" Nami shouted and at this time everyone was gathering at the deck.

Both of them noticed their presences but they don't give a damn about that right now. "I know what I did was wrong so I'm-"

"I hate hearing people apologizing! Moreover saying that they wouldn't do it again!" He shouted and this time, he could feel his tears are slowly forming.

"You have no idea how terrified I was. If I wasn't able to reach you at that time. You could have died."

"But you did. And I thank you." Nami said sincerely.

"Just- go." He said frustratingly.

"Luffy-bro, you don't have to be so mad at what had happened. She apologized so there's no need-" Franky said but soon was cut by Luffy as he turned around.

"I know she apologized. And said that she won't do it again. But it's all lies." He said angrily.

"Don't act like I'm dead! Because I'm not. Why do you have-" Nami shouted back.

"Because it reminded me of Ace's death! How I sat on the ground helplessly and he came to save me and it killed him!" Luffy's tears were slowly sliding down his cheeks as he looked at Nami's eyes.

"Leave me alone." He said and turn to head the seas. He wiped all his tears as Nami began to walk away.


Just so that anyone was wondering if there's a continuation to this, there aren't any. I planned on leaving it like this cause I don't want to write how they got back together and you know, sometimes it's better to not have fluff at all. Or even better, a good ending for a chapter.

Don't kill me :)

It's up to you to think how they got back together ;)

But, if you would like to see my own version of how they got back together feel free to comment :3 Cause I have ideas of how ヽ(*゚ー゚*)

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