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The Straw Hats and the Kuja Pirates get along pretty well because Luffy is a friend of Boa Hancock, the Sea Empress.

They encountered on the sea and Hancock was insisted to stay a while to catch up things with Luffy which he too was happy about.

The crews and some of Hancock's crew hang together at the Sunny's main deck. Sanji was barely conscious because of the Empress in front of him. Brook was blushing all the time but how do we know he's blushing when he's dead? Yohohoho.

The others remained the same and Hancock was blushing and clinging to Luffy's right arm all the time.

Nami knew they were only friends and she didn't mind the physical contact she gave him. But it bothered her that Luffy seemed to didn't care about it at all.

Luffy and Nami has feelings for each other. They knew it. The crew knew it. But they acted the same as before. Luffy and Nami agreed to take things slowly and to just live in the moment they are currently living in. Time will take them to where they belong someday.

"Lu-Luffy." Hancock called nervously.

Since Sanji prepared a feast to please the Empress, Luffy was eating it all as Hancock told him to even though Sanji forbid him to touch the food. His mouth was full and he turned his head towards her. "What?"

Hancock seemed to be really nervous when she pouted her lips, "Will-will you marry me?"

Everyone on the deck froze. The Kuja pirates acted normally since they already saw this happening many times before. As for the Straw Hats, they are witnessing it for the first time. Nami could feel her heart beating with jealousy.

"I told you before, I'm not marrying you." Luffy said casually and went back into stuffing his mouth with foods.

At this time, Brook and Sanji were crying as they saw their captain just rejected the supposedly most beautiful woman in the world.

Hancock half fainted and sighed deeply. She didn't care that she got rejected many times. They know she'll propose to him again.

Nami sighed in relief as Hancock didn't continue on the matter any further and proceeded to take the croissant when her hand brush into Sanji's.

Sanji gasped and are having a major nose bleed. "I just- I just brushed this hand of mine with a Goddess." He said happily as Chopper and Usopp are panicking as he started to faint.

Nami giggled and caught that Luffy was eyeing both of them with a serious expression and proceed to gulp down the beer in his mug.

"Weirdo." Muttered Zoro and Sanji immediately sat up straight, "You want to go Marimo?"

Zoro twitched in annoyance, "What's that?"

Hancock then said to Luffy, "You have a really weird crew."

Luffy smiled, "I think the same goes for your crew as well."

"But no matter how weird they are, they're a part of my pirate crew and are like family to me." Hancock said smiling sincerely looking at her ship that was sailing beside the Sunny. To this, Luffy grinned. "Yeah."

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