You Said You Wouldn't Leave...

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Small A/N: this book is only based off of the video above because once i saw it, i knew it would make an amazing story. (which probably already is) any extra information to this au isnt meeded for this specific story because its my view on the video and how i saw these events occur

A lovely couple lived in a large expensive house in Monticello, where Thomas begged Alexander to live there with him. They had been married for quiet some time now, 3 years to be exact. It had been the best time of both of thier lives, seeing eachother everyday and expression thier affection through thoughtful words and lively actions. It was practically a dream for thomas. But for alexander, not so much.

Thomas Jefferson had been at work all day. Typing and programming like he usually does, waiting to come home to his beloved husband; Alexander Hamilton. He was always writing in his office until Thomas came home. It was a daily routine; work for hours, spend time with husband and then sleep. The cycle went on, occasionally even during weekends. But that never bothered Thomas.

Alexander Hamilton wasn't in fact writing. He finished that about half an hour ago. He finished his goodbye letter, only for the eyes of him and Thomas. He was truly in love with his husband, thats why he stuck around so long. Becuase of Thomas. But lately, everything has been getting worse for Alexander. Mentally that is. He has common depression which he refused to tell his husband about or even try to seek help, even thought he truly needed it.

He was sitting on the end of the bed, staring blankly at his weapon of choice to end it all; a gun. It was a simple objective; place barrel against the temple of his head then shoot. Its that easy. Everything would be over and the pain would dissipate.

Thomas got out of the car with the same smile that was plastered on his face

Alex glanced up at the marble surfaced clock in the deluxe bedroom. He needed to hurry.

He approached the door, ready to engulf his husband in his loving embrace.

He stood up, adjusting the frames of his glasses and silently put the gun to his head, ready to give in to the sweet release of death

"Lexi, im home~!" Thomas called happily. He heard no response, looking through the gap in the door upstairs, his foot just in view

Alex's breath hitched, his heart rate drastically picking up as he tried to calm himself down, slowly pulling the trigger.

Thomas didnt hesitate to climb up the stairs, getting a better view of Alexander- "No...!" he whispered under his breath in a panic, beginning to run up the staircase.

Alex finally pulled the trigger, staring at his beloved Thomas Jefferson. Alexander himself couldn't help but to let out a few muffled sobs with tears streaming down his face at the fact he was leaving Thomas.  The gun caused a loud 'BANG'. that was it. He got one last glance at his husband in the doorway, his mouth covered and tears streaming down his perfect face. Any stranger could tell this man was broken just by looking into his eyes. He was to late.

Thomas froze fore a moment, breathing heavily before clutching onto his hair and letting out a blood curdling scream of pain and sadness. "N-NO..!!! L-LEXI PLEASE" he screamed, running towards his husbands corpse. He threw himself to the ground, letting out a hysterical sob and clenching the bloody body in his arms, burying his face into his shoulder. "Y-you promised! You p-promised you wouldn't l-leave me!! Alexander please...! come back..!" He belted, stroking his hair.

Alexander Hamilton was gone. His body cold and lifeless as Thomas' sobs and pleads filled the room and the house. He had no idea why such a beautiful person would ever do this to themselves. He never pickedup any signs of his true feelings.

A/n Sorry its short, this is the first story that i intend on finishing and its also pretty late at night so ill try and edit things in the morning

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