Chapter 26

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A/N: I'm glad you all liked the last chapter. Maya and Bella's bond is my favorite in this fic. Thank you for comments. Also to be clear Maya doesn't love Bella more than her own baby. I wasn't trying to convey that at all I was just trying to show how close of a relationship that Maya and Bella have.  This chapter is going to have a little bit of a time jump. :) 

Maya POV

A lot has changed over the last three weeks. I'm officially out of my place and moved in with Lucas and Maggie. I've also just recently hit the 18 week mark in my pregnancy.  Things are also so much better with Bella. She has come and spent a lot of time with me and we are doing the dinners once a week like I told her we would.  A few days later after I had my talk with Bella about moving Lucas and I took Maggie to say goodbye to her mother before she headed off to the east coast. It would have been Caroline's week with her but Lucas didn't want that and quite frankly neither did Maggie. We knew that her saying goodbye to her mother was going to have an effect on her afterwards and we weren't wrong. For the first two weeks Maggie struggled quite a bit. She cried a lot but this week she has done much better. Tonight her and I decided to watch a movie upstairs in mine and Lucas bed while he watched the baseball game downstairs. We decided on The Hunger Games since we both have a love for Jennifer Lawrence. Maggie cuddled into me on the bed and rested her head against my bump which has gotten a lot bigger over the past few weeks.  As we lay watching the movie come to an end there was big jolt in my stomach but I don't think it was a contraction it just hurt. 

"OWWW." I yelled and Maggie sat up. 

"Did you feel that Maya? What was that?" she asked as she looked down at my belly. 

"Yes I felt it. Your brother just kicked me for the first time." I chuckled. 

"DADDY, DADDY." Maggie yelled excitedly, 

I could hear Lucas making his way upstairs. He must have heard me yell out and then followed by Maggie yelling probably startled him more. 

"Whats wrong?" he said as he tripped as he ran into the room nearly falling on his ass. 

"Daddy! My brother kicked and I felt it when I was laying on Maya." Maggie said excitedly as she placed her hand back on my stomach. 

"Oh thank god. I thought she was in labor." he said as he put his hand on his chest and tried to catch his breath. 

"Oh my god if you are like this I can't imagine what it's going to be like when I'm in labor." I chuckled. 

Lucas walked over and climbed in next to me. "Is he still kicking?" Lucas asked. 

"Not right... wait he is again. Let me see your hand." I said as I quickly grabbed Lucas hand placed it on the spot on my stomach where he was kicking. 

"I felt him Daddy! He kicked me in my cheek when I was laying on Maya's belly." Maggie said with a smile. 

"The little stinker stopped kicking as soon as Daddy tried to feel." Lucas said as he pulled his hand away. 

"Let me try to feel again." Maggie said as she put her hand on my belly. 

"ooh there he goes again." I chuckled as I looked at Lucas who rolled his eyes at me. 

"I feel it Daddy!" Maggie said as she looked over at Lucas. 

Lucas pushed Maggie's hand out of the way and tried to feel again but the baby stopped kicking. I couldn't help but laugh because it seemed like my son was already trolling his Dad. 

"Looks like I might be able train this one to troll quicker than I thought." I chuckled. 

"Come on baby kick for Daddy." Lucas said then placed a small kiss on my stomach. 

"Maya what are you going to name my brother." Maggie asked me. 

"Your Dad and I haven't discussed names yet. I do have a first and middle completely picked out though. It's one I've always loved and would honor the two most important men in my life." I said to her with a smile. "And it would also start with an M like your name does." 

Lucas took his hand off me and laid down beside me. "What is it?" he asked. 

"I would love for his first name to be Matthew as it would be a great nod to Riley's father Cory Matthews who was like a second father to me. As for his middle name I was thinking I could honor Dad by having it be Shawn. Matthew Shawn Friar." I answered. 

"I like it." Maggie grinned. "What do you think Dad?" 

"I think that I'm out numbered." Lucas teased. "But really I do like it, Maya and I can tell that you really want that to be his name." 

"I do. I was thinking we could call him Matty for short." I said with a smile as I laid my hands on my bump. 

"Matty and Maggie. It's cute. I love it." Maggie said proudly. "I'll teach him everything he needs to know." 

"I know you will kid." I replied. 

"I think it is a perfect fit." Lucas said then kissed me on the cheek. "Maggie why don't you get your bath so you can get around for bed?" 

"Okay Dad I will." Maggie answered.

Maggie left the room to get her bath and Lucas stayed in bed to cuddle with me. I rolled over on my side and cuddled into him. He wrapped his arms around me and I looked up at him.

"I'm starting to get really excited to meet him." I said breaking the silence between us. "Now that I am feeling him move inside of me it is becoming more real now." 

"Me too and I really do the love the name we chose for him." he replied. 

"I'm glad you do."  I answered.

"Maya I just want to thank you." Lucas said to me and I looked up at him with a confused look. 

"For what?" I asked him. I was confused on what he was thanking me for. 

"For being a Mom to Maggie. I know you aren't her biological Mom but the way you have been there for her over the last moth or so really means a lot to me and I know it does to her too.  I think it has helped make this a little bit easier on her. You have kind of stepped into Mom mode without realizing it I think. You're going to be an amazing Mommy to Matthew. He and Maggie are so lucky." 

"I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm happy to be there for Maggie. It makes me happy that I'm making her happy. And I think I'm the lucky for being blessed with you, our baby boy, and Maggie. I love the three of you so much. Matthew is going to have the best Daddy and big sister ever." I said before kissing Lucas softly on the lips.  

Lucas and I kissed for a few short seconds before pulling away. "We love you too, Maya." he smiled. 

Lucas and I continue to cuddle in bed. When Maggie was done with her shower she came into say goodnight to us. She climbed up on the bed and placed her hands on my belly. 

"Goodnight Matthew, I love you so much and can't wait to meet you."  she said before placing a small kiss on my belly. She then leaned over and hugged me "Goodnight Maya I love you." 

"I love you too, sweetie. Get some rest." I replied as I hugged her back. 

"Goodnight Daddy. I love you " she said to Lucas. 

"Night squirt. I love you too." he replied. 

The two shared a hug and then Maggie went off to bed. Lucas and I cuddled for little before I drifted off to sleep. Making the choice to live with Lucas was a good one. I don't think I could have lived by myself any longer. I would miss him too damn much. He's completely stolen my heart and I'm 100% sure that I've stolen his too. 

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