Chapter 34

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A/N: There is some smut in this chapter because I need to keep _LucayaFeels and loudharts well fed. Thank you all for the comments I'm so glad you are loving this story. Going to time jump a little bit not too much though.   :)

Maya POV

Everything has been going so great. Matthew and I have been home for over a month now. He is such a good baby and I just love him to pieces. I love being home with him and have been seriously considering being a stay at home mom. Today Lucas and I are meeting up with Maggie's therapist because she needed to talk to us about something. I really liked Brooke, she was such a great therapist and always kept Lucas and I informed. After my 6 week check up Matty and I headed out to meet Lucas at Brookes office. It was only a 10 minute drive from the hospital so all worked out great. When we got there Lucas was already there. He walked up to me as I was getting out the car.  He looked so fucking good. I'm so glad I finally got the clear today because having Matthew did a number on my hormones. Every time Lucas would kiss me or look at me I got turned on and he was all proud of himself because of it.

"How did your appointment go?" he said to me as he pulled me closer to him.

I placed my hand on his chest and looked up at him with a smile on my face "It was great.  I finally got the clear if you know what I mean." I smirked at him.

Lucas fist pumped "Yessss." he said before leaning down and kissing me softly.

I pulled away after a few seconds "I would make out with you all day but we can't keep Brooke waiting. " I said to him.

"You're mine later tonight." he said then he went to open the back seat door to get Matthew out.

Lucas and I made our way into Brooke's office and he let the receptionist know that we were here. After about 10 minutes she  brought us back to her office.

"Hi Lucas, Maya." she greeted with a smile as she led us into her office.

"Hello." we both said at the same time.

Lucas and I took a seat in the chairs that sat in front of her desk. "So you are probably wondering why you are here so I will get right to it." Brooke said as she sat down.

"Yes, we are. Is everything okay with Maggie?" Lucas asked as I was taking the baby out of his little seat to hold him.

"Maggie was doing wonderful but since the baby was born I feel like she has regressed a little bit. Have you noticed anything at home?" she replied. Lucas and I looked at each other.

"She has seemed fine to me." Lucas replied then he turned to me "Have you noticed anything different with her?"

"Not really other than the fact that she's been spending more time in her room but she says that's because she's been into her art." I answered then I turned to Brooke.

"She told me at her session last week that seeing Maya with Matthew has been hard on her. It's not because she's jealous but because it makes her miss her own Mom." Brooke replied. "And since she is feeling that way it coincides with what Maya said about her being in her room a lot. She's trying to shield herself from it."

Lucas sighed "It makes sense that seeing Maya with our son would trigger her emotions all over again. Do you have any suggestions on what we could do at home to help her?" Lucas asked.

"Yes. I would like to see her out of her room more. Having Art as an outlet is wonderful but we don't want her confined to her room." Brooke replied. "Is there anything specific she likes doing with you guys? You can do things as a family but also have that one on one time with her."

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