Chapter 8

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That night I was so pumped with adrenaline that I found it hard to sleep. After tossing and turning for a couple of hours I decided to give up hope of ever falling asleep.

I climbed out of my soft bed, though at this moment in time it felt like a bed of nails, and got dressed in some black leggings and a Queen t-shirt I bought from a muggle shop over the summer. I then slipped on my black high-top Converse and tiptoed downstairs with my satchel in my arms, hoping to catch up on some of the lessons I was less familiar with.

The common room was deserted at that hour, not even one person had crashed out on a sofa after doing a ton of homework (though, as it was the first week back, teachers hadn't set much yet). This was perfect so I could think and maybe actually complete some assignments that I was set by Slughorn to help me catch up with the potions I missed.

I sat down at a table and spread some books over the surface. I picked up a quill to write the conclusion to an essay about the properties of moonstone, but then put my quill down and stared listlessly at the page in front of me, not really knowing how to summarise it.

I don't know how long I was staring at that desk, but I jumped when somebody placed their cold hands on my shoulders and then  waved one of them in front of my face. "Earth to Turner. Do you copy?" I sighed and begrudgingly turned around to face him.

"What do you want Black?" I asked harshly, causing him to throw his hands up in surrender. "Why so formal Turner, I have a first name" he said with a cocky grin. "As do I" I quickly replied. His smirk dropped off of his face and I knew I had won. "Anyway Turner what are you doing up so early? Or then again late. It's two in the morning you know." I shrugged and turned back around to pick up my quill once again, suddenly filed with determination to finish this essay.

As I was about to pick it up, I yawned loudly, causing him to grab my wrist and pull me away from the desk. "You're too tired Turner, get some sleep. I know first hand that writing an essay whilst half-asleep isn't the best idea." I yanked my wrist out of his grasp and stood facing him. "I can't, that's the problem. I have insomnia". The look on his face changed as I said that, and he pushed me towards a sofa stuffed with pillows and blankets.

"Then, you are going to lay down there and relax. " As he said this, he pushed me down on the sofa. I was not in the mood for an argument so I did what he said. In all honesty, it looked so inviting that my exhausted brain just couldn't resist. "Now, just think happy thoughts and close your eyes. It might not get you to sleep but it will give your brain a rest..." His calm voice was lulling me into a state of semi-consciousness and what he was saying was surprisingly working. Who knew the notorious Sirius Black could be a hypnotist.  

Once he had made sure that I was comfortable and I wasn't going to continue with my homework the minute he left, he turned around and headed towards the stairs leading to the boys dormitory. "Wait" my voice surprised the both of us as Sirius stopped and turned around. "Stay, please" my voice was pleading and that made him turn and cast a spell on the sofa to make it big enough for the both of us before laying down beside me.

He put one arm around me, and without thinking of any possible consequences, I leaned into him. As I drifted to sleep, I heard him whisper. "Good night Nigh".

Hey guys.
I'm sorry I've been a bit delayed on the uploading recently. Also the description for this chapter didn't happen as I'm planning to incorporate that into the next chapter.
Until next chapter
(Which hopefully will be uploaded in a short while)

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