Chapter 18

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Bright rays of sunlight streamed into the room from the many windows, awakening me from my slumber. Yawning, I lifted my head up and abruptly stopped when I realised that this wasn't my dormitory when I couldn't hear Lily screaming at me to get up or the unmistakeable smell of Marlene's perfume.  

Getting my bearings, the memories of last night flooded back and I remembered falling asleep on the floor with the four boys. However, I was not on the floor anymore and instead in a comfortable bed. 

I was then presented with confusion as I was in this bed alone and there were only four in this room. I sat up fully and looked around the room. I could see Peter cuddled up alone in his bed with most of his pillows on the floor. Next to him was Remus in his bed alone and then I was greeted with one of the funniest sights that I think I'd ever seen in my life. 

Potter and Black lay on Potter's bed, sleeping top to toe. They were both in serious danger of being kicked in the face by the other and I had to stifle my laugh for fear of waking them up- we had stayed up late, since it was the weekend now, and I think they deserved to sleep in.  

I was suddenly hit with the realisation that if Black and Potter were both in Potter's bed, then I must be in Black's. I was surprised that I did not feel disgusted that I had spent the night in a bed that belongs to someone that annoys the living daylights out of me. Maybe it was the tiredness thinking. Maybe it was the realisation that we aren't so different. 

Who knows?

Whilst I was contemplating what a suitable reaction may be, a wicked idea flew into my head and I reached for my wand which still lay in my jeans pocket and quietly whispered "Accio camera".  When it arrived, flying through the window which someone had stupidly left open, causing a cold autumn breeze to fill the room and me to bury deeper into the sheets, I pointed it at Potter's bed and took a photo with a loud clicking sound. 

Unfortunately for me, luck was not on my side and the sound of the camera startled all four boys awake. Remus and Peter laughed at me when they saw me with the camera in my hands- pointed away from them of course. The other two were not as pleased and both started to get out of the bed and go towards me. "Delete that right now" said James in a low voice and he moved closer. 

Laughing now myself, I jumped up out of the comfortable bed which was next to the door and ran out and down the stairs. I could hear them following after me so I sprinted through the common room and up the girls steps before they could catch me. From the top of the stairs I waved at them before smirking and walking into my dormitory- where I was met with three smirks myself. 

"Now where do you think that you've been young lady?" Said Lily in a mock strict voice and then cracked a smile at me. "But actually," she continued. "Were you in the boys dorms? We looked for you in the common room a couple hours after you left and we didn't think that you had gone anywhere else". I smiled sheepishly at her question and then immediately covered my ears as Marlene let out a loud squeal.

"Quieten down Marlene!" Lily then hushed with a horrified look on her face. "Its only 9:30 in the morning and we don't want to get in trouble." She then turned to me, "speaking of trouble, you could have got into a lot of it if the Seventh Year Prefects decided to do a dormitory spot check. People have been caught before in the rooms of the opposite gender in the morning and had to spend ages in detention with Filch" 

I grimaced at that, but then remembered that I had my camera in my hand. "Well, I didn't get caught this time but I did manage to catch a hilarious picture of some idiots in the morning". When I revealed this, the serious look faded from Lily's face as she grabbed the camera from me and looked to see the picture that I had not ripped off the bottom yet. Once she removed it, she carefully put the camera on my bed and Marlene and Alice move to surround her as they all laughed at the picture. 

I pulled out my wand again and did a duplication charm on the picture so that there were now two copies. "Lils, you can have the other one if you want. My one deserves to be framed and I know what blackmail is going to be." The three girls laughed again with me until Lily stopped abruptly. 

"Hang on a minute Nigh, if they were sharing a bed so that you could have one to yourself, does that mean that you slept in Black's bed?" 

"How do you know it was Black's I slept in?"  I asked Lily who pointed to the large amount of quidditch memorabilia in the background of her picture. "You probably need to disinfect or throw out those clothes then," Alice added and at that I gathered another outfit from my trunk and moved to go in the bathroom.

"You're probably right." I  grinned and closed the door. What a morning!


Hey guys, I didn't leave it a year this time so that's an improvement. This is actually quite a decent length chapter in my opinion and I'm quite proud of it. Speaking of being proud, since editing the book, the reads have gone up a lot (unless its just me checking that each improvement published correctly) on this book and my other one, which I haven't read since I published it and will probably never read again as it was quite cringy. 

Anyway, thanks for reading so far and see you next chapter...

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