Chapter 1

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17 years Later

I laid awake in bed at 2:55 in the morning just staring at the ceiling half asleep. This has been happening for a week now. I lay here, roll over, and go back to sleep at 3 am. Strange isn't it? For only a brief couple of moments, my mind lays awake while my body is still in slumber. This is the second time in my life that this happened that I can remember, but now suddenly I couldn't focus on the event. Oh well, must've not been that important. Closing my eyes reluctantly, I felt my body relax into the mattress with my mind drifting away into a deep sleep. Or what was intended to be sleep....

"Kei! Kei! Wake up sweety," my mother's voice called to me. I looked up at her worried face and teary brown eyes.

"What happened, mama? Why you look like you dun' seen a ghost or somethin'?" I replied while rubbing my eyes. She seemed so worried but then again she always looked worried.

She took a deep breath before holding my face in her hands. " I was just so worried. When I came into the room to wake you up, you wouldn't budge or respond." The more she spoke the more you could see her eyes watering up again. So emotional over a dream that I truly didn't remember having at all.  That still didn't stop her from taking me in a warm embrace as she cried on my shoulder. I tried to move my head but it was almost like I was stuck in place. What was happening to me? I'm stuck in place holding her and any move I make I try to make isn't showing.

Move damn it.

I  practically used all the force I could summon to push her off of me. Yet no budge or sign that I  even tried to move. All I was trying to do was give my mom a kiss on the cheek, but this had gone to a whole new level.  Was this a dream? If so why was I able to smell the perfume she always wore to work. Her touch felt the same warmth as it had every morning. This feels too real to be a dream but if it is then..

Wake the fuck up

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.." The only words that manged to come out her mouth. Sorry for what though?? I'm so confused right now. All i want to do is wake up from this catrosphe. "I'm sorry...but I have to do this"

What the fu-

Just like that she unwrapped her arms and pushed me onto the bed. Execpt my body fell through the bed into abyss. My raced and pounded with the drop seeming to never end. "Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!"

Holy shit. What the fuck is going on? How did I get sent here? Please let this be a dream.

The fall seemed to last a lifetime before landing outside the family house. Everything looked the same, the sky, the house, the landscape. People started looking outside, poking their heads out the bushes. Taking a double take at the people staring at me. These I had never seen before. The aura that surrounded them felt pure whether it was good or evil.

I hugged myself since the air was cold and I only had on the pajama pants from earlier. go home and face mom? Or stay out here longer?

If this is real how could I trust my mother after this? What wasn't she telling me?

- - - - -

"Kei wake up, it's just a dream!!"

My eyes darted open to look up at my dad shaking me. My body was soaked in sweat. I didn't know if I was still dreaming or if it was reality. Either way both to me seemed scary at this point.

We stared at each other for a long twenty seconds before he asked, "You okay son?"

I caught myself before I ended up saying "Do it look like I'm okay??" Instead I dragged my head across my face sighing and said "Yea I'm okay dad."

Thank god it was only dream. Even though my heart and soul felt as if they had been touched by death itself. My dark skin glistened in sweat like I'd been running all night and just got in the bed.

My dad just looked at me, knowing I was lying. "Yeah right. You were screaming in your sleep, but I guess you don't remember that, huh?" Damn he's good. "Welp. If you insist on not saying anything that's cool. I mean your grown. So, I can't force you." He stated while walking out the room. "BUT, if you want to talk about it, I'm here for ya kiddo."

As the door closed a sigh of relief escaped from my mouth. Finally some time to gather my thoughts. There's no way he'd believe the things that I "dreamed" about. Hell, I didn't even know if I believed any of it.

Let's see the time. 6:45a.m. Four more hours til' class starts.

How am I going to get ready to learn in four hours when I still have the image of my mother abandoning me in a dream still in my head?

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