Chapter 2

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It was 2:30 p.m. when I finally woke up and even though my mind was awake, my body still laid asleep. Nevertheless the moment I saw it was past 12:00 p.m. I knew that my class had already ended by now.


Today we were going to be assigned our models to paint for our final. This is my last class before I'm able to graduate with a degree in Fine Arts. I would miss an important day like this.

As I rolled over and grabbed my phone on the nightstand, a notification from Outlook resided on the top left corner of the phone. Curiously, I checked the app only to see that my professor sent an email.

_ _ _____

Sent at 2:20 p.m.

From: Valorie Lynn

To: Kei Etrena

Hello there!!

Since you were not able to make it today arrangements have been made for you to meet your model no later than 5 o'clock today by the roundabout in front of the school. "Be there or be square." Does anyone ever say that any more? Anyway, you get the just of it. Remember, you must have a model confirmed by 11:59 p.m tonight. Good luck!!!


5 p.m. huh? So I'm already behind schedule.

It took roughly about 30 minutes for me to shower and get ready to head off. A part of me wanted to eat lunch with my father, but after this morning it would just feel awkward. That didn't stop him as I grabbed my keys by the front door.

"Leaving already?" he sarcastically stated.

Funny, I didn't even realize he was still in the kitchen. I slightly turned my head towards his direction while managing not to look him in the eye.

"Yeah, I kinda slept-in today and missed the chance to choose a model for my final," I said while offering a small smile. "However I got lucky and a model is willing to wait for me til' 5 o'clock."

He just stared and smirked at me before replying "Well you better get to it unless you want to take the class again unless you want to of course."

"Nah, Nah. We don't have to get all dramatic about it." We both chuckled for a good minute. It's been awhile since we laughed like that. "Dad.."

"Yes, young buck?" His eyes shifted to the coffee pot as he poured himself another.

"Never-mind, it's nothing. I better get going." And just like that I grabbed my keys and took off before I could hear his response


I arrived on campus at 3:30 leaving me with about an hour and a half before I completely would be on my own for a model to use. 

As I made my way to the roundabout, I noticed that a man stood around holding up a sign like he was looking for someone. Judging by his clothes I'd say he resembled a limo driver from a 90's movie of some kind. 

His head turned in my direction and started pointing to the sign. I squinted my eyes to read the sign that was being held. 

"I'm looking for a man named Kei.  Are you him?" He asked. His voice was deep and filling. Yet, the chills I felt from the words he spoke. Such coldness. It made me wonder why he was asking for me. 

"Does this have to do with the art class?" I replied. By then I was closer and could see the sign clearly stating my name. 

"Yes, in fact, it does indeed. I am to take you to meet the model and confirm it with your professor." He then proceeded to open the door to the back seat of a black SUV that had been parked along the curb. 

I just stood there looking at him. This guy was serious. Over a model? Then again I had procrastinated in finding someone.
"Kind of fancy don't you think?" I said while looking curiously at the car. 

He chuckled and with a smirk, he said "Perhaps it is. Nevertheless, it's up to you to take the opportunity that is at hand." He was right. There was no way I would be able to find a decent model in time. I shrugged and got inside the car. 

On the way there I noticed we drove past the city and out to the open fields. I had never really explored this part town expect driving past it on a road trip. It wasn't until now that I had noticed what was in this concealed place. Though at the time I noticed that my eyes had started to feel heavy. Whether it was the ease and smoothness of the drive; or the cold air lightly brushing against my face. Either way, it felt as thought a sweet lullaby had caressed my soul to put my body at ease.

"Just relax, we'll be there in no time." The driver said, even though I  faintly heard it. I shortly thereafter gave in to the temptation of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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