Chapter 1: Blame it on Redmond

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(third person point of view)

'We've been at this for ALMOST 100 YEARS Redmond , and this oldness isn't getting any younger, I should deserve the land more than you know." Blutarch said as he sulked in his life extender at a yearly brother checkup. annoyed, Redmond replied "This isn't yours Blutarch I'd rather you surrender your land and that would be final." its usual to see them fight verbally, this went on until an idea popped up in Redmond's mischievous mind. For the time being,  he stopped the fighting by leaving the meeting room 'heh eh Blutarch you dumb headed oaf I think I know how to defeat you now, I just need to set a trap' Redmond thought before dialing a number on the phone in his car. "hello, the Administrator is busy at the moment, I'm Ms. Pauling, what can I do you for?" "Ms. Pauling, this is Redmond,  I want to hire another mercenary, a trapper is what i prefer for you t get, doesn't matter on what gender it is, and I hope no ones intercepting this call, right?" "No. so I understand that you want a Trapper, I'll go get you one, thank you Mr. Red, I'll give the Administrator this info when she's available, good bye" Pauling hung up as did Redmond, who laughed at his brother secretly

Administrators office, Later.

Pauling walks up to the door, knocks, and waits for a response. "Come in" the Administrator responds "Helen, Redmond requests for another mercenary." the Administrator coughed a little "Ms. Pauling, in order to do that, we need the type of class in order to hire." she responds with a sour tone of voice "He wants a Trapper." "Oh, then we need the skills of a hunter as well... let's see" Helen searched in the filing cabinets for a while Ms. Pauling kept silent. Finally after two minutes, "here search for this U.S. citizen" Pauling grabbed the file from Helen and read about this person, finding its a female known as Luna Edner, 28 years old, who lives in a cabin upon the Alaskan Canadian boarder, originally born in Utah, and the fact she legally can have hunting supplies, snares with the bonus of some training in hand to hand combat. "Is this what Redmond would like?" Helen asked "yes actually, I'll be sure to get her ASAP" and with that, Pauling went over to the private jets, set up a flight and flew off to the recently announced person's location, as well as avoiding the jet lag, she slept the flight away.

Juneau, Alaska

 "hey.... Ms. Pauling.... Ms.Pauling..... (sigh) WAKE UP!" the pilot said as he shook her awake, Pauling jolted right up to his yell. "are we there yet?" she asked as she stretched her arms out "yes." he answered. "OK then. thanks Kyle" (Authors note: don't judge. i don't know any other names except for the main characters of team fortress 2.) Pauling unbuckled and got out o the plane, realizing she needed something warm, going back to grab a coat and exiting the airport to the rental cars. (A/N: they are a thing back then... Right?) Pauling started up a car and started to head out to the Alaskan Canadian boarder. while in the midst of doing so, she took a pit stop on the side of the road just to see if there was any sign of a cabin every two hours, and like she expected, no luck. Eventually, she reached the boarder patrol. "Hello ma'am, is everything ok?" a patrol boarder officer asked "yes actually. can you help me out and tell me where i can find someone?" she responded with high hopes "who might you be looking for?" "a woman who lives somewhere near this boarder patrol station." "why are you looking for her?" Pauling thought of a quick lie "she is my sister and she sent me a call saying that she would love to come with me out of state for a bit, she said she lived near this boarder station." the officer was convinced, and replied" ma'am, she lives seven miles out south, also there is a secret road to get there, its just across the boarder, bacicly there's a tarp in between those trees." he pointed out the tarp "thank you." Pauling said before she took the car down to the hidden road, but there was another problem out to get her... by the time it took her to pull up to the recruits house, it was already late at night. Pauling looked around her surroundings, she saw bear traps at least a few yards away from the driveway. "ugh, i hate how i went out alone, if only i could have sent a mercin.... never mind, that would be stupid... i hope she is friendly." Pauling mumbled to herself, she finally took the courage to knocked on the door, a woman with ginger hair and green eyes came and answered the door. "Goodness gracious its cold out here, please do come in" she responded as she invited Pauling inside. ' OK she's friendly' Pauling thought as she walked in. "set your stuff by the door." the woman noted as she went to cutting a bit of steak and taking a bite. " excuse me... don't mind me asking, are you Luna Edner?" Pauling asked, there was a pause, a brief moment of silence. "yes." Luna responded. "well how would you like a job?" "what?" "a job, I'm here to give you a job offer." Trapper looked down "I don't know, I never was given such an offer before... why, whats the job?" she asked curiously, "this job is of your skill, and agility, Ms. Edner, aren't you interested in being able to make the big dollars for hunting and trapping? and aren't you a mercinary?"Pauling said.  Trapper had a flash back of the good old days when she hunted for prophet, that and the past where she trapped men who were illegal immigrants. "not like i was a long time ago. they fired me for actually killing someone, i regret it to this day." trapper responded. "well, we want to hire you to kill people legally , and take no shame for killing people... you do miss your job, right?" Pauling explained, remembering that trappers file explained the fact that she actually killed an imagrant that caused her trouble. "well also these men that you will be hunting down, they are quite like the immigrant you killed... so what do you say?" pauling added. "give me till morning to think about it." Trapper finally said as she served up steak for her self and began to feast on that sweet, succulent, medium rare steak.

 *(see refrence in this link:    also i looked it up, medium rare is edable... ESPECIALLY SINCE TRAPPER ACTUALLY CUT THE MEAT!!! sorry go back to reading)* .

 "Ok." pauling saw a book, picked it up... apparently it was a filled diary of trappers. Pauling turned to the date on which she committed homicide.

'I was so glad i killed that madman, to be honest with you I have no regrets on killing, it felt  just like hunting and trapping animals, especally for prophet.' 

Pauling read that small entry at the top of the page, smiling to her self, 'she definetely wants the job if she thinks this.' she continued reading 

'though i am definitely going to be both A: fired and B: killed myself if i stayed there. so pretty much i cleared my name by paying a lot of money so then i wouldn't die.... after all, who would kill someone. well i did.... heheheheheh, i have never felt more alive.'

Pauling put the book down "Ms. Edner, I'll stop by tomorrow, if you accept the job, have your things ready to go, if not, then we'll get to there later." pauling notified Trapper just before she left to the rental car and drove off to the hotel where she'll be staying at.

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