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Today was the day, Momo was going to confess to her one true crush, Jung Hoseok. She's had a crush on him ever since the first year but she hasn't spoken one word to him yet. She fears the many girls he has drooling all over him but more importantly she fears rejection. She's scared he won't accept or return the feelings she holds and will humiliate her, but she can't keep her feelings bottled up. It has reached the top and once it overflows it will explode.

Momo didn't have any friends except for her unknown text buddy of course who she has been texting for just over a year now. They know each other's secrets and deepest feelings which is quiet unusual for someone you don't know. But they do know each other, it's just the face that is unrecognisable to the mind.

Tossing the alarm clock across the room, Momo rubbed her eyes hoping it would rid her of the tiredness. She went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and do her morning routine. Makeup wasn't something Momo engaged in but today was a special day for her and she wanted to look at least decent if she's going to be confessing to one of the most popular guys in school.

It took her forever to find the right lip colour. Red, pink or nude. She spent over half an hour negotiating with the little voice inside her head but later she went with red tint. She simply curled her blonde hair and let it sit on her shoulders. For her outfit, she didn't own any fancy dresses or short skirts so she put on a black crop top with a red flannel, white shorts and her converses. Also with a choker that said 'M'. It was the best she could do and in fact she looked absolutely stunning.

You don't need extreme fashion to look beautiful. Momo rocked her look in her own way, any man would fall head over heels for her in a matter of seconds.

She skipped breakfast and said her goodbye to her mom before grabbing her bicycle from the garage and riding to school. She loved the way the wind blew in her face, the adrenaline pumping through her body. It was the best feeling.

Not long after, she approached the gate. People switched their attention to the beautiful girl walking down the hallways. Necks craned to Momo's direction, checking her up and down. She was flawless and they had nothing to say about that.

She was planning on telling him at lunch time when he's alone and his six friends are no where to be seen. Lost in her thoughts, she fell to the floor with a big thump. She grabbed on to her head, trying to ease the pain.

"Aargh!" She groaned moving her legs into the position to stand up but failing at every attempt.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry." 2 hands slipped into her hers pulling her upright. "I'm so sorry, it's my fault."

"It's fine, I'm okay." She bowed politely then for once looking up to see the face of the person standing in front of her. "Oh, Hoseok." She ignored the piercing pain in her and gathered the energy to form a smile.

"Momo right? Yeah you're in my class." He's smirked as if he knew something but Momo was too blinded by love to see it.

"You know my name?" She asked, secretly fan girling inside, beaming with happiness that her crush knows her name. Just his presence is making the swarm of butterflies in her stomach grow aggressive.

"Of course I know your name, why wouldn't I?" He stated, adding a hearty chuckle into the mix. His smile widened, reaching his ears. Cute was an understatement when describing Hoseok, he was beyond words. He was an angel sent from heaven to complete the task of spreading happiness. And it was sure working, he's like a little happy virus built in a handsome man. Perfect in all ways.

The hours went by in a flash, she was shaking her leg continuously waiting for the time to pass. Lunch time arrived and just before class started, she slid a note into his locker saying:

To Jung Hoseok

Meet me at the rooftop at the beginning of lunch.

From: you'll see when you get there xx

She walked up to the rooftop humming her song as she went, excited for the plans to come.


Hoseok breathed a sigh of relief as the bell rang indicating the start of lunch. He headed to his locker to put in his chemistry books, greeting friends on the way.

"Ooh, what's this?" He noticed a post it note sitting on his books. He read it in his head smiling at the cute handwriting and the little drawing on the side. "Here I come, baby girl."

Explaining his situation to Namjoon, his best friend, he climbed up the stairs in a happy mood. Opening the door, there stood a girl, her figure amazing from the back, totally model like.

He smiled before approaching her. "Hey Momo, did you send that letter?" He asked though he already knew the answer.

"Oh, hey." She turned around, startled at the angelic voice. "Yeah i-it was m-me." She stuttered which Hoseok found incredibly cute.

"I-I just wanted to say that I.." She drew in a deep breath, gathering courage for the following speech. Her entire life depended on the answer she would get and the thought of that only triggered the nerves.

"I like you." She blurted out, avoiding all eye contact with him. He lowered his head, staring at the ground. "Oh." She looked at him. "Oh." Her tone dropped a little. "It's fine, forget what I said, goodbye." She ended on an awkward note, walking past him towards the door.

"Wait." He grabbed her wrist, pulling her back in front of him. "I've been waiting to talk to you. Peach." Her eyes met his in realisation, her mouth gaped open.

"H-happy?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly to the side.

"Hello." He casually waved his hand. With no hesitation, Momo jumped on top of him, attacking him with a hug. She buried her face in his neck as her arms tightened around his torso and her legs around his waist.

"Woah! Didn't know you missed me this much?" Hoseok hugged her back after regaining his balance. They stayed like that for a while, taking in the positive atmosphere.

"Shut up." She breathed against his neck, making him shiver. They finally pulled away, gazing lovingly in each other's eyes.

"I honestly never would've imagined it was you." She giggled. "Did you know it was me when you texted me at first?"

"Of course I did. My mum didn't die actually, I just had to find an excuse to speak to you." He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "C-can I hug you again?" He asked out of the blue.

Not even replying she opened her arms wide, welcoming him in and he gladly took the invite.

How was it? I plan for this story to be about 15 chapters because it's a short story. Vote and comment

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