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The game of Truths was still on going as many secrets were now revealed. Jeongyeon confessed her true feelings about Jin and now it's her turn to spin the bottle.

"Ha yes! Momo!" She clapped her hands.

Momo punched the ground. "No! Go easy on me."

"Yeah right." Jeongyeon scoffed. "What is the thing you're most scared of?"

"Ahh, really?" She shook her hair. "I'm not scared of bugs, or insects or heights or stuff like that. I'm scared of losing someone I love. Losing someone in this room right now would be the biggest loss and I don't think I'd be able to overcome that."

She melted everyone's hearts with her words. They put the hands to their hearts and awed. "My turn." She spun the bottle and it landed on Jungkook. "Jungkook, what do you truly feel?"

"Eh? What does that mean? Feel about what?" He asked pulling up his sleeves.

"Like what's in your heart right now."

"Oh." He fidgeted with his fingers for a while before looking up again. "There's someone in my heart. I don't know how, they just crawled their way up there and I think I love that person too. They make me smile and laugh everyday and without them my life would be meaningless. So yeah." He shrugged it off like it was not biggie but he was honest.

"Why isn't anyone speaking the whole truth today?" Jimin laughed.

"Next time ask them who it is. We'll get it out of them sooner or later." Taehyung punched Yoongi in the shoulder playfully, earning a glare that could kill a soul. Jungkook was there on the other side watching as Yoongi killed Taehyung with his beautiful eyes that Jungkook always got lost in.

(A/N Who's ready for Yoonkook?!)

"Yeah, good luck finding love with those eyes." Taehyung teased.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Yoongi went up to his room, clearly upset about that remark. Jungkook made up a quick excuse and followed him to speak to him.

"Hey." He knocked on the door before entering. He saw Yoongi sitting on the chair looking in the mirror in disgrace.

"My Mum always told me I had disgusting eyes." He stared into the mirror his lips quivering as a tear dropped down from his cheeks. "Didn't really think about it until today."

"Yoongi." Jungkook spoke, walking closer to him.

"I guess she was right." There was a pencil on the table, he grabbed it and put it on aim ready to pierce it through his eye.

"Yoongi don't!" Jungkook snatched the pencil off him before he did some real damage. "Look at me." He said, cupping his cheeks in his palms. "Look at me!" He raised his voice.

Yoongi turned around to face him. "You're beautiful okay? You are the most beautiful person on this planet and you are perfect just the way you are. Yoongi listen, believe me when I say this, there's no reason for you to change. You don't change for anyone because your perfect. Perfect! That gummy smile and that mint hair, you're beautiful. And that's why I love you. But please don't doubt yourself." He mumbled that last bit.

"You love me?" Yoongi looked up at his eyes.

Jungkook ignored that comment and carried on. "Those eyes. Ugh Yoongi those eyes, I could stare at them all day every day because they're beautiful. Every part of you is beautiful. I get lost in your eyes so many times but I like that feeling. I like it when I look at you because you make me smile, Yoongi. You make me happy and I don't know what I'd do without you. So please, understand that you're beautiful. Inside and out."

With every sentence, Jungkook took a step closer. Their faces almost inches away, both of them occasionally looking down at each other's lips. "And yes, to answer that question I do love you." Jungkook crashed his lips on Yoongi savouring the taste.

"I love you too." Yoongi smiled through the kiss, passionately kissing him back. "Jungkook would you like to be my boyfriend?" Yoongi bravely asked.

"I would love to." Their lips met again, moving as one. Jungkook tilted his head slightly to get closer.

Yoongi bit Jungkook's bottom lip making him gasp and he quickly inserted his tongue in his mouth, exploring the hot cave. "Wah~ are you an expert? You've done this before haven't you?" Jungkook questioned, pulling away slowly.

"Let's just say I have incredibly weird dreams starring you." He chuckled and engulfed the young boy in a warm hug.

After a bit of alone time they went downstairs to where the others were watching a horror movie. "I hate horror movies." Jungkook stopped in his tracks.

"Why are you scared?" Yoongi squeezed his cheek like a little kid.

"No." He bluntly said and entered the living room sitting on the two seated couch. Yoongi came a little later and sat down next to him.

Jungkook was shivering as the movie reached its climax. It was about a ghost that haunted a village and possessed the grandma and took lots of peoples lives.

"No! Not the kids!" Jeongyeon cried. Literally, tears were falling down her cheeks. She was a strong girl but she was sensitive. She wasn't scared but she just cried at sad things like that.

The ghost popped up on the screen and Jungkook yelped and buried his face in Yoongi's neck. Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle at his cute behaviour and wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm gonna have nightmares now." He whispered over to Yoongi as the movie ended and the credits rolled.

"You can stay in my room if you like." Yoongi offered but you could hear the eagerness in his voice, him wanting Jungkook to stay.

"Of course. You'd miss me too much." He gave him a peck on the cheek and got up to go take a shower.

I added a little bit of Yoonkook because why not. I'm like Jeongyeon in this story. Whenever anything happens like a death, a reunion, a happy moment, a sad moment anything I will cry and cry. My sister actually finds me so weird, she questions if we're related.

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