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Low-key smut at the end. It's not even smut tbh it's just harsh kissing. Loool

Momo sat in the passenger seat next to Hoseok. She was trembling, her thoughts filled with the worst. She was actually in a car, with her crush who is now her boyfriend.

The people. That's all she thought about. What if they don't like her? She knows they won't like her because of how much they love Hoseok. With past experience and Kpop Idols concerts she was terrified. Girls can get powerful when they need to.

The ride was short, they didn't speak much. Silence lingered in the air but it wasn't awkward silence, it was just silence.

Hoseok pulled up in the car park and girls already started to surround the car. He got off and walked around to the other side to open the door for Momo. Her hands wouldn't stop shaking, he could see the terror, the fear in her eyes.

He took her hands and squeezed it gently. "Trust me." He slipped his hand into hers, their fingers intertwining. The look of shock on the girls' faces as the couple walked past them could suffice for so many memes.

Momo heard the whispering as they walked to the classroom but right now it was only her and Hoseok and that's all that mattered to her.

Hoseok and Momo originally both sat next to each other in class but Momo just could never find the courage to speak to him. Now that they're together you can just predict the amount of detentions they're gonna get in class.

"Oppa, is it true you are going out with.." She gave a look of disgust to Momo. "..her." She pouted at Hoseok, acting all innocent.

"That..her, is my girlfriend and the most beautiful girl in the world, so don't look at her like that. Yes I'm going out with her and if you don't mind I'd like to stare at her beauty for longer." He planted a kiss on Momo's forehead and the girl ran crying to her friends in the corner of the classroom.

"I love you so much." He planted kisses all over her face as she giggled at every one.

"I love you too." Momo was ready. She didn't care about what people have to say, she don't care if she got bullied or hurt, she don't care what happens to her as long as she's happy with Hoseok. She loves him and he loves her and that's all that matters.

It was lunch time and Hoseok wanted to introduce Momo to his friends. The girls in the school were sucking up to her, calling her pretty and all sorts. No one knows if it's general kindness or ways to look good in front of Hoseok.

But within that time she found a genuine friend named Jeongyeon. They really clicked and had a lot of things in common. Jeongyeon often busted dad jokes that Momo laughed her head off for.

Jeongyeon joined Momo in meeting Hoseok's friends because Momo didn't want to be by herself or more like the only girl there.

The three of them approached a table of 6 boys throwing chips at each other.

"Ahem." Hoseok cleared his throat, getting their attention.

"Oh is this the beautiful girl you won't stop talking about." Jin put his arm around Momo. He played with her hair and caressed her cheeks with the back of his hand. "She really is pretty."

"Yah! Get your filthy hands off my girlfriend!" Hoseok slapped Jin's hand away, pulling Momo closer to him.

"I'm Namjoon, the normal one here." He chuckled and shook Momo's hand.

"I'm Yoongi, the sweg master and also a brilliant genius." The mint haired boy with the gummy smile waved.

"Stop lying." Jin said.

"It's just who I am." Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm Jimin. Pleased to be at your acquaintance pretty lady." He bowed, kissing the back of Momo's hand.

"Ya big flirt!"

"V!" The brown haired boy flashed a rectangular smile, putting his fingers in a 'V' shape against his eye.

"I'm the golden maknae, Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook winked at Momo and clicked his teeth.

"They're a weird lot, don't mind them." Hoseok explained seating Momo down.

"They're cute." She smiled.

"Oh my God! She called me cute!" Jimin exclaimed, jumping up and down like a fan boy.

"No she called me cute!" Jungkook retorted, winking a few more times at Momo.

The others simply laughed it off.

"Oh I'm Jeongyeon. I forgot to introduce myself, Momo's friend." She bowed in front of the 7 boys and took a seat across from Jin.

Jeongyeon looked up into his perfect eyes and got lost in them. She leaned her face on her arm and stared at him longingly. She licked her lips a few times as she looked down to him plump rosy lips.

"Jeongyeon." Jin spoke, dragging her out of her fantasy.

"Yeah." She shook her head and sat up straight as if nothing happened.

"Can I speak to you?" He stood up.

"Sure." She followed him to an empty classroom down the hallways.

As soon as they walked in Jin pushed her against the wall. He looked down at her lips, then back up to her brown eyes.

"J-Jin." She whispered.

He put his fingers to her lips. "Shh." He pressed his lips onto hers. A sudden flurry of butterflies erupted in the pit of her stomach and shut her eyes tight.

Tingles shot up the long of her spine as Jin deepened the kiss by reducing the distance between them. He placed his hands on her small waist, squeezing it ever so gently.

His lips made their way down her neck, nipping it slightly, leaving marks. He sucked on her weak spot harshly and Jeongyeon couldn't help but let out a small moan.

He peppered kisses all over her face and down her jaw. She begged for him to stop but at the same time she wanted it. She wanted him. She let out a gasp as Jin left a huge mark on her neck. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth, exploring the wonders.

She put her hands on his torso pushing him away with force but also kissing him passionately at the same time.

The bell rang interrupting their time together. Jin pouted and Jeongyeon gave him a little peck on the lips to cheer him up.

"Wanna be my girlfriend?" Jin confidently asked.

"Hmm.. are you worth it?" She teased, detangling her fingers from his hair.

"Awhh.. come on." He chased after her as she run away. She slowed down once she saw Momo and the rest.

"Why do you have lipstick on you?" Yoongi asked Jin. Jeongyeon simply looked away and the others caught on.

"Ohhh.. did you.. did you two?" Taehyung made an interacting gesture with his fingers looking left and right at them.

"You disgusting people." Namjoon laughed and they all walked together to their next class.

I'm sorry if you wanted the book to be fluffy but it was requested a few times. It won't happen again so sorry.

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