Confessions of a Drunk Man

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This was not a good week for Daniel. Nothing horrible had happened per say, but nothing particularly good happened either. Just the usual children being completely chaotic little demons and making sure none of the councilors had a moment of rest. You know, normal Camp Campbell stuff. Finally, the week had reached Saturday, aka free day. Not a moment too late, because Daniel really, really needed this day off. The campers constant antics had been very grating on his nerves and he was pretty sure that if he didn't get some time to calm down, he would explode. So he was grateful for a day to sleep in, or at least sleep as well as he could seeing as his track record for sleeping was still all over the place. The blonde planned to stay in his room the whole day, reading, playing with Mocha, anything to him inside his room for some much needed alone time. Unfortunately for Daniel, his nerves and mind decided today was a good day to fuck with him. No matter what he did, the blonde just couldn't relax. Not even playing with his beloved rabbit helped calm his raising nerves.

This wasn't the first time this had happened. Many times while Daniel was in the cult of Zeemoog, he would have these random nervous fits, they came from nowhere and there were no warning signs that they would happen. But he became quite worried when they would happen. The cult didn't allow negative emotions and the process for getting them cleansed was... not a fun experience. Daniel shivered, not wanted to remember the horrific things done to him in that time. But that did remind him of something else, sometimes, when Daniel didn't wish to go through the cleansing process, he would go to a nearby bar or a store and get some alcohol. Being intoxicated drained him of his negative feelings and made him forget about his nerves, yeah he would have a hangover the next day, but that was a small price to save himself from a lot of pain. That's what led him to where he was now, standing in front of David's door late in the afternoon, shifting nervously and thinking over his options.

Daniel needed to go to the bar, it wasn't an option, it was a requirement. He needed to calm his nerves somehow! The only problem and this was a big problem, was that in order to go to said bar, he needed to go into town. A town full of people. People that knew him. People that knew what he did. People that probably despise him with a passion and probably wanted him to stay in jail. This did nothing to calm his nerves, he could practically feel his blood pressure spike. The other major problem was how he acted when he was drunk. At the bars he frequented when in the cult, he had been told stories of him being a um... massive flirt when drunk, or on other occasions, he would act like a clueless child. The fact that he was required to be taken to town and watched over by David, didn't really help this situation. It made this worse! He didn't want to embarrass himself, or worse, start flirting with David. Daniel's pale face flushed a dull red at the thought. He had a huge crush on the brunette, one that he really didn't want the other man knowing about. It would ruin their friendship. Besides, it's not like David actually liked him back anyway. He wondered if he could blame anything he did on the alcohol.

Daniel didn't have much time to think about it, because the door in front of him opened, causing him to jump in surprise. David stood in the doorway, a look of surprise clear on his face. It went away quickly, being replaced with a familiar heartwarming smile. "Hello there, Daniel! I didn't expect to see you out this late in the afternoon! Did you need something?" Daniel recovered for being startled and he frowned, looking at the ground and trying to think things over as to not sound like an idiot. "Yeah, uh... I was going to ask you for a favor." David tilted his head. "Oh? What did you need?" Daniel didn't respond for a second, still thinking over what he was going to say, before sighing. Might as well come out and say it. "I was wondering if you could take me to the town bar. I... I haven't been feeling so great, I really want to get a drink and try to relax." David blinked, frowning slightly. "Are you sure, Daniel? There are other ways to relax besides drinking." The blonde nodded his head quickly, giving David a desperate look.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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