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"Are we really eating lunch with the gang?" I ask Luke after getting into the car.

"No," he says putting in a Fall Out Boy CD. "I just wanted to spend time with you," he gives a cheeky smile.

"You're such a flirt," I laugh playfully pushing him in the shoulder.

"Maybe I am," he teases. "Have you eat yet?"

"Nope," I reply.

"Good, so the diner sound good?"

I smile, "the diner sounds amazing."

The rest of the ride we say nothing, letting Patrick's voice fill our car. I play with my bracelet looking down at my lap, quietly humming along to the song playing. I can't help but look a Luke. Him driving, focusing on the road. His side profile looking quite relaxed, I find myself smiling. I look back down at my lap and fiddle with my bracelets.

Luke glances at me, "what are you smiling about?"

"Oh, nothing," I keep smiling. "Nothing important."


The diner wasn't very crowded, as usual. We seat ourselves at a booth in the corner. Me and Luke share some small talk and order our food.

"So, how Jonah?" I ask.

"He's good," Luke nods. "Hyper as ever," he chuckles.

I chuckle back, taking a sip of my water, "I bet."

After a few moments of silent and me noticing Luke's fidgeting he speaks up. "El, can we talk about something..."

I can tell by the tone of his voice that this is serious and that he's nervous. I can't help but be slightly amused at seeing Luke nervous like this, I'm not used to that. "Okay, what about?"

"Look El, I-I like you. It's scary for me to say but I do and I think you might even feel the same," his words makes me feel as if all the air in my gut disappeared. "I've thought about, I've gotten advice but I can't help it anymore. So, I know that might ruin everything and it might make our lives a lot more complicated but... will you be my girlfriend?"

I'm speechless at first, I was not expecting this. I did feel the same about Luke and I couldn't help that. Yeah, my it'd be a secret but, some secrets are just worth it. I think I made my decision.

"Oh my gosh, Lu-"

"Luke!" I'm cut off by an annoying, slightly obnoxious female voice. We both turn towards the voice, seeing a tall, bleached blond teenager, about our age, come fast-walking towards us in a tank top that needed to be pulled up over her breasts.

"Sasha," Luke replied with a cheery voice, but I can see right through his fake smile. He's uncomfortable.

"Wow, I haven't seen you in forever! Give me a hug!" She practically shoves her boobs in Luke's face and give him a, very cringy, hug. I want to gag. Memories of seeing them two together in the lunch room during one of mine and Luke's fights come rushing into my head.

"How are you?" Luke says, keeping his fake smile.

"Oh, well better now that I've seen you," she's so perky I could actually pull my hair out.

"I thought you didn't like this place," Luke says sounding like a question.

"Well I'm here, aren't I?" She giggles.

"Great," he replies as food gets set on the table. You'd thing the Barbie doll would leave and let us enjoy our food in peace, but now she stuck around.

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