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You lumbered behind the huge blond, snow crunching beneath your boots. Tall thin trees with peeling white bark funneled you into a small clearing. Taking in the scene which was a decent hike from the harbor you wondered how Killer had found this place.

He stopped and turned to face you, his breath visibly sifting through the holes in his mask. Pushing his coat back he hooked his scythes into his gauntlets. Part of you had expected to train with some sort of blunt or at least unsharpened object, but then again you wouldn't have quite the same incentive to defend yourself.

You rested your right hand on the hilt of the cutlass on your hip while your left unsheathed one of many daggers you had hidden on your person. Killer's weapons required fairly close combat, but you couldn't hold him off for long just by throwing knives.

You weren't confident with the cutlass though you'd researched it thoroughly. Killer knew that, but after yesterday he wasn't about to let you leave this session without some way to better defend yourself.

In a flash he'd closed in on you.

"Your opponent won't tell you when the fight is starting." He raised his left arm, blade glinting through the falling snow as he took his first swipe at you.

You tumbled back attempting to regroup but he was over you again. His blade ground against the sword you didn't realize you'd drawn sending flashes of orange and yellow light to the snow beneath you. He really was incredible to watch as he moved gracefully at an unnatural speed.

You slid the cutlass through the snow between his feet. He paused confused as you summer salted right after it rising to your feet behind him. Plucking daggers from the leather holsters that crisscrossed your chest you hopped back sending them straight at the blond. Of course he dodged or blocked every one of them.

"You're smiling." He chuckled charging you again.

This time you were ready, taking an anchored defensive stance and grinding your blade against his.

"Picking up quickly." He grunted.

You felt your smile graduate into a grin.

"You have too many open spots though." His right foot left the ground swiftly making contact with your left side sending you tumbling.

With a grunt you were back on your feet ready for another attack. He zigzagged toward you. Watching carefully you sheathed the sword trying to anticipate where he'd end up based on the distance between you. He was so fast you hardly had time to leap for him as he made his final zag. Using his bent knee you propelled yourself toward his right shoulder, hooking your index finger under his mask in attempt to at least snatch it back. Quickly following your flow the blond lifted his chin and spun effectively both keeping that stupid mask on and pinning you to the cold ground.

"You aren't the first one to try that..." He puffed looming over you.

You frowned. 

Of course you weren't, everyone was probably trying to see what was hidden beneath.

"...maybe the cutest?" He pondered chuckling as you flushed.

Rocking back on his heels he grabbed your wrists yanking you up with him.


"Sixteen failed attempts." Killer laid back in the fresh snow huffing.

You were face down somewhere nearby covered in bruises; the cold air only exacerbating the stiffness in your limbs. It had been hours and the snowfall was getting thicker as the already dark skies grew darker.

"I'm glad you decided on a goal, but did it have to be such an exhausting one?"

You flopped over allowing a quiet laugh to shake through your chest.

"Why don't we make a deal?" He sat up.

You shifted offering him an inquisitive glare.

"When you're finally able to pin me I'll take off the mask."

You deflated back into the snow drift. At the rate you were going you'd never get to see his dumb face.

"Ready to head back?" He asked hopping to his feet.

How was he still able to move? Shakily you pulled yourself into a seated position.

"Here." He squatted in front of you taking your wrists and hoisting you onto his back.

"Oi!" A deep voice boomed from the clearing on the opposite side of the snowy meadow, "Put the gypsy down!"

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