Happy Birthday (GroffsauceXSister*Reader)

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Thank you LemonCake21 for the request.

You're his sister. Also we are making you a little kid in this story. Your turning 10 and Groff is 32.

Jonathan Groff is a precious cinnamon roll that should be loved. Ok back to the chapter.

I woke up feeling happier then ever. Today is my birthday, my tenth birthday. I run out of the room to the bathroom. I brush my hair and take a shower. After that I dried myself off and styled my hair in a braid. I get a F/C shirt on with black jeans and converse. I enter the living room to see my brother, Jonathan, cooking in the kitchen.

"Hey little sis, your up early." He says, looking down at the pan on stove.

"I'm just really excited for today." He looks at me confused.

"Why?" My smile drops. Did my brother, my only family, forget my birthday. "Oh is it because your coming to Hamilton today. Your gonna have fun sis." He explains. He dumps what ever was on the pan onto the plate and hands it to me.

"Y-yeah Hamilton." He smiles widely at me as we sit down and eat. I can't believe he forgot my birthday. I look down at my plate, trying to force a smile on my face but it turns into a frown. I pick at my food not wanting to eat. Jonathan nudged my arm.

"You ok Y/N, why aren't you eating." I pick my head up and look at him.

"I'm just not hungry." He nods and takes my plate. He finishes his food and puts it in the sink along with mine. He gets his jacket on and we head out to the Richard Rogers. We get to his car, he sits in the drivers seat, I sit in the passengers seat. I lean my head against the window, watching the passing scenery outside.

"Oh Y/N I forgot to tell you." I look at him with a smile. "You can come backstage after the show to meet the cast." My heart drops. I nod and turn back to the window. I close my eyes and let a few tears come out. You might be thinking, your over exaggerating. Well today was the first birthday without my parents after they died a year ago in car crash. We would always go out for my birthday and get dinner at the end. Jonathan would always make time to come with us. He always shows off when we sing Happy Birthday which makes me even happier. Jonathan puts on my favorite musical songs but I'm not in the mood to sing. I sit there with a fake smile so he doesn't worry about me. We finally pull up at the theatre. He brings me in inside. I've been to the theatre before with my parents because we had to pick Jonathan up after his audition. He brought me to his dressing room and locked the door so nobody can come in while he changes. I sit on my phone waiting for him to be done. I hear sounds of the curtains opening in the room and my brother steps out in this red outfit for his role in Hamilton,King George III. I laugh a bit at his costume making my spirits lighten up a bit.

"Y/N go to your seat, the show is starting in ten minutes." He says to me in a British accent. I nod letting a few giggles slip my lips. I run out of the dressing room to the seating area. I look at my ticket.

Third row.

Even though he forgot my birthday, he's the best. Once I found my seat the lights went dark and a voice says something over the speaker. It sounds exactly like my brother when he was speaking in that accent backstage. Then the music started, Leslie stepped out on stage with a spot light following him.

How does a bastard orphan son of a whore...

Time Skip

A message from the king, a message from the king, a message from the king.

The company sings in perfect harmony. Soon enough the You'll be Back music starts then I see my brother walk out on stage in his King George costume. Everyone starts laughing in the theatre including me. He keeps singing then his eyes land on me. He winks then goes back to singing.

I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love.

The whole auditorium filled up with laughter again. Wow, my brother really is a good singer, guess all that showing off paid off.

Time Skip To The End Of Show

Who lives who dies who tells your story.

The lights go dark again we're we can't see the performers. I stand up and clap. I'm the end, I'm in tears by the beautiful performance. The lights turn back on to reveal the cast in a huge line bowing. Once that is over I make my way to the dressing rooms again. My brother finds me and takes me to his dressing room. While we are walking he covers my eyes with his hands.

"Jonathan what are you doing." I whisper smacking his hand. He chuckles lightly.

"You'll see." I shrug and keep walking. I hear a door open, Jonathan uncovered my eyes. The whole cast pops out of random places.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N." They scream. I'm in shock. This isn't my brothers dressing room, this is their lounge. It has streamers and balloons, there's a F/Flavor cake with ten candles on it.

"You guys..." I'm too shocked to speak.

"Say thank you to Jonathan. It was his idea." Lin shouts from across the room. I turn around to my brother.

"Happy birthday little sis, you thought I forgot?" He whispered. I giggle lightly before jumping in his arms for an embrace. He picks me up and brings me to the cake.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to Y/N Groff

Happy birthday to you.

The whole cast sings.

"Make a wish." My brother encourages. I wish this could happen every birthday. I think. I blow out the candle and the whole cast claps.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

Hope this was good and sorry it took me so long.

You know what's funny, LemonCake21 you requested this on my moms birthday and I'm publishing it on my sisters birthday.

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