Am I

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Am i gay well im not. If i was wold my mom love or disone me well the answer is... she wold is disown me! Why I don't know is she mad at them. No! But if I was what wold she do? Agen I'm not but I support them but she dissent is it a generation thing. She hate me cuz I'm emo. Dose she hear me or not. My dad sed he wild love me for who I am and well I love him for that. My guy friends say if I was most of them sed they wold still love me. And others sed no. Are they gust being friends with Me cuz I'm a girl. Why I am ugly and that is what I'll always be. People sed what they sed. And now I'm mad and people sed... Why will you be gay?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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