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Harry's POV

I thought she loved me? May be that was a friendly 'I love you'. Man, where's Conscious when you need him?



"I need help."

"Whats wrong Harry?"

"Ariana. She told me she loved me at the hospital, but she's over there with her boyfriend. Niall! Why him, she saw that he beat me up, and she's still with him? I don't get it."

"Harry, Ariana still loves you."

"No she doesn't. She loves Niall!"

"If you would have actually let her explain, maybe you wouldn't be so mad and act like you're on your man-period."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"You have to tell her Harry."

"What if she rejects me?"

"She won't."

"How do you know?"

"What's my name?"


It took me some time to realize what he was talking about.


"Yeah. For a guy with a very smart person like me, you are slow."

"Shut up."

As I was arguing with Conscious, I couldn't look Ariana. She left me there to break.

The next day I went to school I saw her there. She tried to talk to me, and I completely shut her out. I just kept on going to class.

It was kinda hard to ignore her considering we sat right next to each other in class. She kept whispering to me and I kept ignoring her on purpose.

Next was lunch and this girl tried to flirt with me. And I saw Ariana watching me and I flirted back to the girl, knowing Ariana would get jealous. And she did.

Next thing I knew I was walking down the hall and I saw her staring at me. I kept walking knowing I'd fall for those big brown eyes. And the rest of the day was history.

The next day I saw Ariana and she didn't talk to me. She didn't bother me. She didn't try and get my attention. She mirrored my actions from yesterday.

In class, she asked Mr. Lints to move seats. She sat all by herself in the back of the classroom. I felt bad for her, but thus why I wanted her to feel.

I wanted her to regret what she did to me. How she broke my heart. How she left me alone. How she broke me.

After that day, she got more and more depressed. She didn't wear any flower printed dresses. Her hair wasn't so much curled anymore. She stopped wearing colorful shirts, with cute sayings. She became dull. And as much as it hurt me, she deserved it.

And now I feel like the normal Harry.


QOTC: Ever been bullied?

AOTC: Yes, 7 years

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