Tainted [03]: thighs

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Lisa wasn't hungry but she was compelled to listen to Jennie or the other girl would probably skin her to death for going off on her own again. Now that she's back, her friends stuck to her like glue—Rosé would follow her everywhere, to the library, to the teacher's office, even to the girl's toilet. Jisoo and Jennie were subtler with their actions as they shared most of their classes together, but the blonde girl lost count on the number of times either of them asked 'where are you going?' at least once every hour.

She doesn't mind Jack's place though, the burgers were decent enough, their desserts were something to die for, and Lisa shared most of her memories here with the girls. What surprised her, however, was for fact that Jennie had willingly invited the boys to their favourite place. For Jennie to be overly friendly to the transferees, they must have done something right to even be acknowledged by the ice queen herself.

Lisa ordered an appetizer instead of going headfirst for the main course since she doesn't think she could swallow something heavier than breadsticks.

"So Lisa, why were you absent for a week?"

It was Namjoon who spoke.

"Um, I wasn't feeling too good and I decided to take a short break," Was her automatic reply.

He nodded quietly, giving her a comforting smile.

"Well, I'm glad that you're feeling better. It's nice to finally meet you."

Lisa smiled in return. She liked Namjoon—he was nice and welcoming, not too overly friendly but not rude either. He looked like the perfect balance of wise yet experimental, and she was sure Namjoon and her would get along splendidly.

The rest of his friends though, she thought as she scanned them, excluding Hoseok and Jungkook—she doesn't have a solid opinion of either of them since she hadn't had the chance to speak to them properly. Hoseok was a nice-enough guy and well, she did introduce herself to Jungkook. Their exchange was certainly a far cry from a 'proper conversation' but Lisa couldn't look at him without feeling uneasy since she was always under his scrutiny. 

Jeon Jungkook, she noticed, as he interacted with their friends, has a very sharp mind. He was academically smart and he has the wits to match. He looked really fit too, from the way his jeans snugged tightly to his thighs, but Lisa immediately discarded that sinful thought as it was highly inappropriate for her to be distracted by thighs when she could hardly speak to the boy.

Throughout the entire day, she could feel his piercing gaze on her body a couple of times, but Lisa managed to ignore him, albeit barely, she has to admit. Jungkook made her feel weird things, and Lisa hadn't decided how she felt about that. Most of the time she felt uncomfortable, sometimes she was pulled in by his mysterious front, and other times she caught herself staring at his features discreetly. Lisa was undeniably attracted to this new person, yet she could feel chills creeping up her spine whenever their eyes meet.

"What are you thinking about?"

His husky voice haltered all thoughts instantly. She turned to him.

You, she wanted to say but decided not to.

"What made you think I had something on my mind?" Lisa challenged.

To her surprise, the corner of his lips turned upwards into a slight smirk.

"Are you always this snappy or am I the only one receiving this special treatment?"

Just you.

Lisa raised an eyebrow to keep the words from blurting out of her mouth.

"Are you always this invasive towards the people you've just met?" She hissed, earning a chuckle from the man beside her.

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