Tainted [11]: cat-and-mouse upgrade

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It was cold.

The figure concealed himself in the unlit room, his movements swift and light. He darted his eyes to the door and cautiously, he laid the package on the unmade bed, still warm from her body heat hours before. He ran his gloved hand along the length of the covers as an uncontrolled smirk made its way to his lips, threatening to vanquish his firm resolution to remain imperturbable.

Shutting his eyelids, he brought the same hand to his face and slid his fingers under the mask, hastily rubbing his cheeks... He wanted to be engulfed in her scent, he wanted to swallow every inch of her being. His blood rushed at the sinful thought, his body reacted instantly to her essencejust the image of her, lying down there, unmoving and lifeless, sent pleasurable chills down his spine.

As fast as the desires consumed him, he halted his actions and pulled back immediately, his gleeful expression distorted into one of a cold rage, and after a few seconds, it relaxed back into a stoic front. Pushing the mild distraction away, he mechanically crossed to the desk-table and proceeded to switch on the computer, before he could get sidetracked any further.



He chuckled.


He worked fast—he went through the files and skimmed them briefly, reaching for the thumb drive in his pocket, plugging the device into the USB port and quickly transfer the data.

67% loading...

He drummed his fingers on the mouse as it loaded, curious onyx orbs shifting around the room in boredom. His gaze stopped to his left when something unusual caught his eye, just a bit further from the computer, right under the screen. With narrowed eyes, he reached for the small item and inspect it closely. He then turned to the desktop, and lifted the webcam from the top of the screen—his eyes lit up in recognition when something in his brain clicked in place. A fantastic idea popped into his head. His lips immediately curved up in excitement.

82% loading...

This wasn't part of his original plan, however, it wouldn't do any harm to make a few alterations; after all, the waiting and stalling were starting to get on his nerves... He wasn't the type to sit around, he wanted the action and he wants it now—the little babies were in for a surprise. He placed both items on the table and snagged a paper from a notebook nearby. He reached for a pen and scrawled carelessly on the sheet. After he was done, he lifted it up to the small device.

18 1613123 21269 822249227

(01000010.  01010100. 01110011)

251521 25201812554 135 129191

201825 712 69144 1422


(01000101. 24. 12)

—I'll give you a treat if you solve this

Ps. Jisoo, daddy must have paid a lot for the video recorder... I didn't know spying on Jeon was one of your favourite pastimes... How scandalous :)

He quietly chuckled under his mask, obviously amused by the joke, along with the anticipation of the future chaos that would surely furthermore demolish their precarious friendship... Oh, was he a genius. Still smiling, he nabbed the thumb drive once the transfer was complete and shoved it back to his pocket. He turned to the door again, and for a good measure, he grabbed the hammer from his bag and with a twisted grin, he swung his arm and smashed the computer with a loud boom.

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