Tainted [09]: happily-ever-after-gang

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I would love to dedicate this chapter to yliayukari cause she's amazing and lovely. (shameless promo here but you should really check out her liskook books cause she's a fantastic writer) I've been unmotivated to write lately, but this one is for you, boo.




He touched her cold skin and he felt alive. He felt like a part of her; he belonged to her, and her, to him. He ran a finger down the length of her body, and he starts to sweat. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. He can't allow his perspiration dirty her smooth, cold skin.

He looked at her pale body glowing under the white fluorescent, and he felt alive. There was just something about the way she slept on the table—stable, calm as an empty tree on a still winter night. It empowered him. He loved the way she smiled; he loved the way her thin lips are frozen blue, and he loved the way her eyes are welded shut. She looked so surreal, so peaceful, sleeping under the dimmed white light.

He breathed in the soft scents of her body, and he felt it diffusing into his blood. The dry smell of earth, the clean soap from her bath the night before. Her brown hair looked soft and silky—his lips stretched into a white grin when he pictured them as blonde. Only then, it would be perfect... but, he has to wait to relive his fantasies.

The knife caught the light as he picked it up, still sharp from an hour's work the night before. He scratched it against the base of his palm, and he slightly jumped from the chill of the blade. He hoped she doesn't mind. He placed the fresh blade against her skin, and he felt it connect. He felt the knife had become one with her body. He felt it sink slowly as he probed the scalpel deeper. He felt it hit her bones.

His free hand manoeuvred down his body. He could feel his erection pressing against his right thigh and he felt excited. He raised his other arm and plunged the knife into her body again, this time with a stronger force. He closed his eyes and imagined soft blonde hair cascading down her shoulders, thick, plump lips; soft and inviting, and terrified, wide doll-like eyes, staring up at him instead.

He remembered the way her body shook when he pressed himself against her, his gloved hand was wrapped around her delicate neck, another was on her beautiful lips. He remembered breathing into her soft tresses, and how heavenly she felt on him. Even her sweat smelled delicious—sadly, he had to retrain himself from licking her face. His cock throbbed painfully against his jeans at the pleasant memory. He wanted to touch himself but he must be patient.

He released an aggravated sigh and opened his eyes.

There was no blood. He knew from enough experience that cold flesh doesn't bleed. He chuckled to himself. However, that only applies to the flesh. Getting to the torso is very messy, he mused, and he had learnt his lesson the hard way. He was wearing an apron this time; brown canvas, so it wouldn't look stained.

He lay her cold, beautiful body on the table... Or rather, bodies. He chuckled again. Little word plays make the time pass that much more quickly, and he enjoyed them tremendously. Some organs are priced a little higher than others; the more commonly wanted ones, like the kidneys and the liver, are pricier than the heart, or the brain. It's funny how in death, he smiled to himself, your heart and brain are worth close to nothing.

All that's left of her was her bare soul now. Her little white frame, dry from the dehumidified air. He picked it up calmly, careful not to break anything. It was funny how souls are often depicted as white balls of healing light within us, floating out of us slowly when we die, as we transcend to the heavens. Well, he thought, her soul was white, but it's heavy and it's splinting. He's never, ever, seen a soul transcend to the heavens.

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