MAnik saw child on the road...he immediately turned his car to other side to save child from hitting his car but to do so he didn't see other car coming from opposite side .....his car collided with the other car...his head hit the steering wheel....groaning he held his head and noticed some blood drops but ignored it and looked for the other car.....the other car hit the tree after colliding with manik's car..the front mirror was shattered into pieces.....he immediately went to see the person in the car ignoring his head injury.....for him his (other person) safety was more important......he opened the door of car and was shocked to see person inside the car.....he was none other than Yash Murthy.... Ohh God why me everytime why u have to put me in these type of situations...he was just staring at him blankly....he saw glass pieces pierced in Yash's skin causing blood to flow out of it continuously.....his head was rested on the steering of car and he was unconscious...manik didn't know what to do his hands were shaking seeing him in front of his eyes that too in this state .....he could do with him whatever he wanted to ...he could leave him in that deserted place alone and he knew Yash would die if he would leave him at that place....and in that way his revenge would be completed...he only wanted murderer of his father in this state and it was happening he decided to leave him...he started moving backward towards his car mumbling "now my revenge will be completed " he was taking back steps staring at Yash when his father's image appeared...manik averted his gaze towards his father .....he whispered "dad shocked+happy" which Raj(manik's father) replied..." Yes it's me manik ...Ur dad " giving him the beautiful smile
Ma: dad app yahan (his eyes sparkled)
Raj: manik look he is injured why u r wasting time......go help him
Ma: I won't help him he is the one who killed u...he is the one who snatched u from me...he is the one who destroyed my childhood...(he shouted loudly)
Raj: I don't know who did this but I know only one thing that he is injured ....his life only depends upon u now.....and u r going to leave him.. letting him die here .....what will u get by his death....I can't come back Ur father can't come back by his death
MAnik didn't know what to answer...he felt a pang of pain in his heart as he listened to his father's statement...he was just staring at his dad.... still he was supporting his frnd....oppss sorry a murderer..after few seconds he spoke in shaking tone
Ma: I will get peace by his revenge will be fulfilled(in dangerous tone)
Raj:(curtly) u will get peace by death of a human seriously manik ...I never taught u such things don't u have heart....u want to take revenge for my death but u don't want to follow my teachings .....this is Ur luv towards me....u disappointed me manik
Ma: dad (he Only managed to say this and fell on his knees heartbroken)
Raj: what dad...Haan u know what killing someone is not easy...his death will haunt u ....I know u manik u r my son ......I m gone I will never come back but u also will not get happiness by snatching someone's father.....I m with u manik Ur heart.....u can't be a devil and heartless person u have to help him...only then I will be happy my soul will be happy (with this he disappeared)
MAnik was still on his knees and tears were flowing from his eyes as he thought about the fact that he could never get his father back....he remembered his father's words He got up to help him...he went towards Yash car picked him up in his arms and went towards his car...made him lie on the back seat and hurriedly started that time Yash had lost so much blood and he didn't want to late more ....on their way to hospital he was thinking about his father words and his behaviour towards Nandu...he had realized that he was doing wrong but then he realised that he locked her in room in tied state....his image was blurry also bcz of his head injury....he reached the hospital and rushed towards emergency....the hospital staff took yash in OT....the doctor after sometime came towards him saying

monster to majnu
FanfictionA story about a young ruthless guy who is inconsiderate and insensitive to other's feelings.....he feels nothing but a single emotion that is hatred towards women and in his hatred he destroyed someone's life.......but when he realized about his mis...