Manik drove angrily from there while everyone rushed towards manan room where they found a crying nandini holding her legs while sitting on floor.......they went closer to her with tension and navya hugged her rubbing her back while she started crying more and more.........mukti rubbed tears off nandini's eyes and said
Mu: its okay nandini......relax
N: no its not okay......wo naraz hoke gya hai mere se (she said wiping tear of her nose)
N: he was hurt.....i...i disappointed him.....(she hiccuped)
C: nandini relax.....abhi ghussa hai wo...ghussa kam hua to khud hi ghar ajaye ga
N: itna achaw sb kuch chal rha tha i ruined everything..........
Ab: jab tmhe pta tha ke use achaw nhi lgna to phir why u did all that
N: i thought that he luvs his mother but is not ready to admit it.......i just wanted to help him...........(she said mourning over her idiocy)
Ab: u should have told him nandini (he stated the truth as he knew that nandini wouldnt mind his words.....)
N: i know but ab kia karo
Ab: sb theek hojaye ga (he smiled at her) warna hm haina (he spoke affectionately)
Ar: dr nandini sitting here crying is of no sth practical (he said in motivating way)
N: hmmmm okay (wiping her face feeling a little better) she stood up and picked her phone from bed......tapping her finger on the name "HUBBY ❤❤" she pressed her cell phone with ear patiently waiting for him to receive the call..........but after several bells when he didn't pick up the phone she pressed the red button disconnecting the call and her eyes found everyone awaiting for her response....she smiled at them faintly controlling herself and said
N: utha lega call......abhi thora sa ghusse mein hai.........
Scene change
Manik was driving the car aimlessly on road in rash way........after sometime he stopped the car infront of a building.......he went to the roof of building which was secluded and sat was one of his favourite spots where he used to sit alone......when no one was with him to share his was getting dark and as the sun set it took away the noise and hustle bustle with it also......the peace and serenity started overcoming the uneasinnes in atmosphere......he looked at the surrounding and then at the sky where little stars were shinning trying to enlighten the world....breaking the darkness......conveying the msg that their is a gud thing hidden in the bad phase......he sat there with numb mind unable to think.........few hours ago he was happy......excited to meet her wife but then he was sitting on roof top alone gazing at the stars while he knew the others would be busy in consoling nandini......a sarcastic smile appeared on his lips at the situation as he looked at the stars (his forever frnds) who never left him alone......who were there with him everytime.....who listened to him.....who knew his bad deeds but still they never got angry at him like a human.....he removed his blazer and making a lump of it he placed his head on it lying on the stony ground..........he closed his eyes to escape from the uneasy feeling but nothing happened.......he was missing nandini but at the same time he didn't want to go to her......he opened his eyes in frustation and at the same time ge heard screen flashing the name WIFEY 😍😍 .......he turned his head to other side ignoring the call.....he knew that if he would pick up the call........he would say sth in anger and offcourse he didnt want that.....
Manik's pov
Why she did that???? (His mind screamed) why...why.....why........(the mobile roared again flashing her name.....this time he cut the call turning off the volume) doesnt she luv me enough.........she met that lady who ruined me completely........(but then all their happy moments roamed in his mind........the sparkle in her eyes came in his mind......those eyes were not of the cheater) his heart screamed.... he was angry that she didnt tell him......she could have told him about her thoughts...he told her everything about his life and on the other hand she couldnt even inform him about her decisions....and the main reason behind his anger was that she went to meet those people who were never his well wishers....they could have done sth to her but no she had to do that.....bcz he was dumb and she was so intelligent (he thought angrily)

monster to majnu
FanficA story about a young ruthless guy who is inconsiderate and insensitive to other's feelings.....he feels nothing but a single emotion that is hatred towards women and in his hatred he destroyed someone's life.......but when he realized about his mis...