Hey guys how r u all !!
I was reading cmnts on previous update where some of u were asking about why manik was unable to recall anything..guys its bcz of PTA (post traumatic amnesia), most of the people suffer from it after recovering from coma...it is due to severe brain damage......PTA can range from minutes to hours , some days or even for a long period of months or years....
In this the patient bcms disoriented and disorganized, gets angry easily, very hyperactive and unable to remember things happening around them , inability to recall about members of their family or the people related to them etc etc
Its a very broad topic and it cant be covered here ....so if anyone of u is interested u guys can check it on internet
So ab tmhe yakeen agya ke mjhe yaad hai SB he asked tucking her already perfect combed hair behind her ear and she nodded as she smiled but b4 manik could even glance at her happy face fully she lowered her head down and two drops of tears fell on manik's and Nandini's entwined hands
Nandini Kia hua he asked sitting straight as he pulled her face up by hooking his forefinger under her chin...
As soon as her face appeared manik saw her blinking her eyes again and again...her cheeks were red while her eyelashes were dampTm ro to na he said gently as his large palm moved to wipe her teary eyes and nandini just sniffed in response......
Bas he said in loving tone as his one fine hand moved to pull her into his chest by putting hand on her back
Dekho 1 dfa aur prove bhi hogya tm mere liye roti rhi ho he joked as he rubbed her back and nandini immediately pulled herself back and smacked his shoulder
Tm ab mjhe tang karo ge is baat pe she said in pissed off tone as she sniffed again while a smile appeared on his face
Mere cute se rondu bv he teased again as he twisted her nose
Tm ab mjhe ghussa dila rhe ho manik she warned him pointing finger at her and in return manik kissed her fingertip
I can do one thing which will act like a magic to remove ur anger in seconds he said as his lips turned into a meaningful smirk while his palm pressed at her nape......he pulled her closer in a slow way all the time gazing at her beautiful face
Tell me one thing....is it just my eyes or u have turned more pretty his hoarse heavy tone would have made any girl's heart flutter in happiness but on the other side nandini just dodged him and got out of his grip........adjusting her hair she gave a mischievous smile while manik groaned in distaste
I know one thing only and it is that u should take some rest she crossed her arms and gave him a challenging look
Some things can never change....u still can ruin my mood in seconds he said as he punched the side table in frustration.......he was very pissed off at missing such golden chance....a laughter erupted from nandini's mouth at his state

monster to majnu
FanfictionA story about a young ruthless guy who is inconsiderate and insensitive to other's feelings.....he feels nothing but a single emotion that is hatred towards women and in his hatred he destroyed someone's life.......but when he realized about his mis...