06 / Quiet Morning

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I've decided that, after such a busy day yesterday, I'm going to spend today in bed, doing absolutely nothing. Karen accepts that I want a rest day since she understands how much I'm going to be working over the next few months.

Plus, I think my agent wants a quiet day as well.

If anyone calls to ask me to do something other than what I can do from this bed, I'll say I'm busy with work. Karen has agreed to this as well. She's been surprisingly aquiescent lately.

So with my laptop nearby and phone in hand, I check for any texts and missed calls I've haven't seen. The last time I checked my phone was yesterday morning when Zendaya texted me to say we're hos now.

I've been so busy that I barely even touched my phone yesterday.

8 Missed Calls.
19 Unread Messages.
99+ Instagram Notifications.
99+ Twitter Notifications.
5 New Wattpad Notifications.
38 New Emails.

I suppose I should turn off my Twitter and Instagram notifications, huh? And probably unsubscribe from all those spam emails.

I do those things, trying not to get distracted in the process. I quickly check Wattpad and there are a few updates for books in my library and two of my books have been saved into people's reading lists. Nobody knows my name or really anything else about me on there, so it's understandable that my books would stay unpopular now that the world knows I'm in Spiderman.

I don't update often and I have so many books that are incomplete.  I honestly wonder why people don't avoid books by me. Sure, I plan to finish them all and know what happens next, but actually writing it takes so much time and that's hard when I have a full-time job and rarely get down time.

Maybe I'll write some more later.

Probably not, if I'm honest.

I close the wattpad app and check my missed calls. Nobody left messages, just called and hung up when I didn't answer. The calls are all from people at home anyway. The text messages, however, are an entirely different affair. I open the most recent one first.

Private Chat with
👐Z the Main Ho🌹



I'm bored. Let's do something.

Can u like teach me to cook or somethin?

Sorry, I'm having a quiet day.
I'm just gonna work on characterisation and I think
Karen wants to talk about some
stuff with me later.

I give Zendaya a semi-honest answer, knowing Karen does actually want to talk to me and I may do some characterisation whether I mean to or not.

The next text message is from an unknown number.

Hey Lorry, it's Chris Hemsworth.
Karen gave me your number after
the screen test.
I just heard you got the role, so congratulations! Hope we have the chance to work together again soon.

Feeling pretty chuffed that THE Chris Hemsworth just said he wants to work with me, I save his contact details under 🍻Chris = Worth it🍻 and send a quick thank you before moving on to the next unread text.

"I'm Spiderman" / Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now