Part 17

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Part 17

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Part 17

Priya got her self busy in work where ram was waiting for her to just once open the door and talk to him but he was so disappointed that she is not listening to him he sat outside her house.
Here ram was witnessing the sunset, looking towards the horizon he saw the fiery orb slowly dip into the ocean as though engulfed by it. Mesmerized he watch as the leaving sun dyes the heavens a bright orange and turns the ocean a deep blood red.the sky slowly turns crimson, deepens into a maroon and then lightens into a soft pink before turning into a majestic purple signaling twilight and then enveloping him in darkness.before he could register the darkness sequin-silver stars appeared and winked at him.not long after,the clouds above parted to reveal a large opal orb enveloping him in its silent moonlight.the ocean surface now shimmered with the beauty of floating diamonds with a single pearl mercilessly stealing all attention to itself.
Here priya standing inside her room and standing near window witnessing the sun set, through her teary eyes she watch the sun fall behind the horizon, painting the sky shades of red and pink,then dark blue until all that was left of the sunset was a chalky mauve, and then that melted away in  turn as Stygian darkness took over the sky and she look above the sky and talked to her god that all of a sudden what happened it was a roller coaster how ram again came to her life and all the pain she suffered through these past months.
They both were heart broken and crying inside their heart but what will destiny bring for them they both don't know ram was praying to good that he want his priya to be with him forever. Priya was also thinking about him that he is still here and not going what she will do if he didn't go from here.
Hours passed it was Midnight and suddenly the weather change there was a storm. The temperature dipped all of a sudden. Dark clouds obscured the moon.they churned grimly in the night sky. The moon's mercury flush was painted silver by the thunderheads, casting down shivers of length with a ghostly glow.underneath the moon, the rain moved towards him like a wraith's veil of sorrow. A winnowing wind fermented and sighed, rippling the surface of the corpse calm sea.
The rain shroud passed by, spitting at him with his indeed tears. The rain whipped down like crystal nails and streaky lightning emblazoned the sky. The sea swells rose and his bared time froze as the north wind blew and sped him to his doom. Lacerating stung his bare arms like ice burn and the sea throbbed grey with woe. He was totally drenched in rain and there was no where that he should cover himself and not a single roof not even his car was there he called his driver and drove the car to Kapoor mansion he don't want a single thing here and told his driver not to tell any one that where he is to his luck the weather changed and he cursed himself why he sent his car and now he is fully wet where to hide himself he was just praying that may be priya's heart will melt and she will open the door may be its god's sign he thought.
Priya inside her house curse the weather. The worst thing happened tonight with no warning, total darkness prevailed as clouds thickened and the sky was stricken blotting out the moonlight and stars. The wind arose to push the still waters to choppy.the wind slammed the rain into the windows like tiny stones. A bolt of lightning struck near. She was so tensed about ram thinking to her self
Priya: should I open the door and call him inside so he can be alright..An evil voice came from her inside no priya let him go through this he should be punished for his deeds...god is punishing him don't let him come inside
Priya was so confused with her thoughts suddenly she saw ram who was fully drenched and was shivering. Weather was getting cold. she went near the main door of her house and opens it she saw ram who was not feeling well almost he was in his unconscious state he was about to collapse she grabbed him and gave him her support she carries him inside her house.he was blabbering sorry and I love you priya.
Priya took him inside her room before he could say something he collapsed on bed priya checked him he was having temperature. She was confused that how she will change his cloths but she had to do this because he was not feeling well and he was all wet. She took some courage and took out his cloths and dry him and correctly lays him on bed and covers him with duvet and she turn on the heater, he was shivering badly priya was getting tensed what to do she tries to call a doctor but there was no network.she thought to herself should I give him my body heat ...again her evil voice came .. priya how could you give him your body heat you hate him he betrayed you don't forget what he did ...but again her angel voice came priya you love him just think about your love not what he did look how he find you how he is sorry for that thing forget about it and do what your heart says.
She just went with her heart and took her cloths off from her body.she was just in her inner and came inside the duvet and hugs Ram tightly he was having temperature and shivering she just gave him her body heat and was massaging him ...slowly he recovers and stops shivering she was almost in her sleep she hugs him and slept off.

The night ends just like priya hugging ram and doesn't care about the past she just love him wants him to be OK .Does this storm end their problem and will they again be together forever or not?

Does this storm end their problem and will they again be together forever or not?

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