Eight: Friends

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I snapped awake to tapping. It was faint, but constant. The water sloshed around me as I stood. It was only warm; I must have been out for a little while. I looked to the door, but the tapping wasn't coming from that direction. Over the tub, near the ceiling, something black tapped on the half-window.

I looked around for something to use as a weapon. There was nothing. Soap and a stool. I certainly wasn't going to call the fae into the bath while I was naked. I braced myself and stood to the side under the window.

Tap tap tap.

I held my breath and unlatched the top. The window fell halfway open, a chain catching it before it could hit the wall. A large black bird crawled through the window and flapped down to the edge of the tub in a chaotic dance of feathers and claws. In my panic to get out of it's way, I splashed plenty of water into the mix.

When all was settled, I blinked at the giant black bird in front of me.

"Puko?" I stared at the ancient bird that never left Mila's shoulder.

'CAW' He looked at me with his one clear eye.

"Wren?" Eberon's muffled voice called through the door. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes! Don't come in." I jumped back in the tub, ready to hide my body if someone burst in. "Everything is fine! I promise."

A moment later a firm knock sounded.

"Wren, it's Thain." He rumbled through the door. "We need to know you're alright, will you let Schula in?"

My eyes darted to the door, in my exhaustion I hadn't locked it. I cursed at myself. Puko seemed to agree.


"Is that a bird?" Eberon said, muffled by the door. I tried to grab Puko, taking him by surprise and he squawked as lifted him towards the open window. He struggled, not willing to leave. I was twisted, half out of the bath when the door opened.

"Shit," I hissed.

"What in the hells' black valley...?" Schula shut the door behind her and stared. My back was exposed. I was fighting with a damp, half-blind raven that I was trying to stuff through a window. The moment she came in I whirled around and slipped, dunking myself and Puko in the tub. I shot out again and held my breath. Water sloshed over the side, spraying Schula and flooding the bathroom.

We stared at each other for a moment. A long moment. She looked between me and the giant black bird in my arms, then she slid out the door without a word.

I sank in the tub and let Puko free himself to perch indignantly on the side again. He ruffled all the water he could off of his back and began preening himself. I grabbed the nearest bar of soap and gave my body a quick scrub. A soft knock came a moment later.

"It's Schula. I'm coming in." She entered with an armful of fabric. The worn but clean clothes I changed out of before our practice, and two large towels. She held up a towel for me and I took it, wrapping myself in it as I left the tub. She pointed at the stool, a silent order to sit. I did, and she began combing my hair. I hissed as the teeth hit the soft scar tissue on my ears. She paused, and I let her draw back my wet locks.

"Thain told us as much." She sighed. "I'll be more careful, I'm sorry."

That was it. She combed my hair and let me braid it, all in silence. She drained the tub and handed me fresh clothes. Then with my towel she mopped up the floor while I dressed.

"This is for the...bird. If he'll let you." She handed me the other towel.

"He will." I said. Puko, to his credit, sat still while I dried him off. He fluffed out his feathers when I was done, inspecting himself with his good eye.

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