Twenty One: Caldon

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The summons came within the hour in the form of a satyr in royal colors. Fed, dressed up, and faces washed, Schula, Eberon, and I walked down the main hall to meet the King. Fae flowed into the hall from every corner. They seemed to be on business somehow, but not in any hurry to do it. One tree nymph sauntered down the hall with a basket of flowers. She stopped to place one in my hair before smiling and wandering off again. 

The difference between Thanantholl and Dwellonmar ran deeper than it's architecture. There was none of the hurry and busied air that the Autumn lands held.

"Finally," Eberon huffed as we reached a grand doorway. He gave our names to the little herald by the guards and we were promptly led through the door.

"Lord Eberon and Lady Schula." They walked forward to bow before a bearded copper fae on the throne at the back of the hall. He was on no dais like King Baeleon kept, but instead of commanding it alone he was surrounded by fae lounging on cushions on the floor. Lutes played from all four corners of the room in unison, and several sprites danced from wall to wall and back again.

"The youth, Wren, of the southern mountains." The herald announced me just as he had Eberon and Schula, so I followed suit and bowed for the king.

"Stand!" King Diamid commanded in a light, mirthful voice. His court was all smiles, and I noticed an identical pair of green eyes watching me from cushions near the foot of the throne. I smiled and they looked at each other with a mischievous grin. The twins.

"Come, sit or stand or dance if you will." The king sat up straight in his throne. "We have things to discuss, yes?"

He gave two quick claps and the music stopped. The court scurried to remove the cushions from the floor. Three chairs were brought near the throne for us, and the courtiers took up positions around the walls, chatting among themselves, and some still danced. I didn't see where the twins had disappeared to in the commotion.

"Thank you for seeing us on such short notice Majesty." Eberon bowed and took a seat. "Our deepest condolences to your court, and a letter from his Majesty King Baeleon."

Eberon handed the sealed letter from his breast pocket to a guard, who looked it over before handing it to his king. Diamid broke the seal and read it right there.

"Ah, Baeleon did always flower his words. A nice sentiment though." He put the letter in his own pocket. "A sad business, Galavan's passing. His triquetram is understandably shaken up about it."

A pang shot through my heart. Galavan had managed to actually find all of his triquetram, and now their bond was broken. Two more fae would wear those cold black rings.

"We will attend the ceremony of course, to pay respects." Eberon said. "I understand it will be tonight?"

"Yes. We feast here after the family speaks, then as you are ready the farewells can be done at the top of the steps on the north side."

"Quite an honor." Schula whispered. "Your Majesty is kind."

"Galavan has served this court well for centuries. He will be missed." Diarmid sighed. "But the mourning is for later, for now I would like to show Wren here some of my fair city."

Eyes shifted to me. "Thank you, Majesty."

"Caldon will attend you through the streets. Give you a small taste of Dwellonmar, and I hope you will stay as long as you wish. I insist at the very least that you are here for the Spring Equinox."

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