Chapter fifteen

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Heading up to the driveway far from the exit, Alice turned around to look at the forest far away from her and uttered her last words to Jason.

"Jason, if you can hear me, I don't know if you would have heard or seen all of this but...I did what I had to do...your mother wouldn't believe me what I told her...

"I did my best to find you, as everybody else did. Your father would have done the same.

"I'm very sorry, Jason, I hope you're happy in a much safer place.... safe away from those bullies...and your mum.

"I don't mean to upset you but your mum has done terrible things and I know you expect her to be SO MUCH better than that.

"Your father is waiting for you. Both of you are much safer up in heaven.

"Goodbye, Jason."

Alice turned back left to see a pair of headlights coming towards her. Knowing it might be a car, she runs up to it, calling out "Hey...HEY!!!"

Waving her hands in the air, Alice shouts "STOP! OVER HERE!!!!" The car quickly pulled over and the driver got out to see the helpless woman on the road.

"Hey, are you alright?" the Stetson-wearing driver said, walking to Alice. "You OK?" Alice nodded before going giving the driver a hug. "Thank God! You gotta help me!" she sobbed. "What's going on, where did you come from?" the driver asks Alice.

"I'm from Camp Crystal Lake! Everyone – my friend Bill, my bosses, the other counsellors, they're ALL dead!" The driver, seeing Alice in a state of shock, guides her into the car while he gets in too. "I'm gon' git you to the sheriff's! You'll be OK." Said the driver.

The driver makes a quick U-turn near the Camp Crystal Lake gates to head back up the way he came from.

Sitting quietly, Alice leans her head on the car window and stares out to the night-sky. She could not notice the rain falling but can still hear the noise splattering on the car.

"What's your name?" said Alice, to the driver. "Creighton, whuz ur name?" said the car-driver. "Alice. Thank you, Creighton." "It's no problem, Ms, you'll be OK." Creighton smiles. Alice smiles too, which is the first she's ever smiled all day.

Meanwhile, back in the campsite, Mrs. Pamela Voorhees' head is washed up on the beach not far from the pier.

The sands below her head are covered in water, acting as quick-sand, slowly sinking her head in.

Suddenly, her head gets picked up by somebody. But it isn't a random somebody. It's a very familiar somebody. Somebody with a face that a mother would cherish.


Only in his shorts, bare feet and drowned in rain water rather than the lake, Jason looked at his mum's head. Not knowing what to say, he looks right into Mum's eyes then over to her body.

Jason walked up on the grass off the beach and went on the pier, where Mum lies dormant. Her neck out of blood to poison the river.

Feeling a sense of guilt, loss and hurt, Jason sheds tears for a moment until somebody calls out to him.


Looking around to find nobody, he starts to hear the voice again. "Jason?" Somebody knows my name, but who is it, he thought to himself.

"Jason...mummy's talking to you..."

Jason quickly looks at Mum's head, saddened to find her not talking to him as he thought she would.

"Jason, it's your mummy, I'm talking to you!"

"Mummy's talking to me without moving her face?" Jason appears confused on why this is happening.

"Jason, I'm talking to you. My face isn't moving because I'm dead. You're the only one that can hear me!"

"Those people...your dad...the kids...the grown-ups...they made us suffer. I made sure you were avenged. I killed them all...

"I killed them to avenge you...

"But a horrible, horrible girl killed me, stopped me from doing what I had to do to protect you!"

Listening to the words of a mother on a mission, Jason wipes the tears of his eyes and cheers up from his sense of loss.

Jason puts on his pillow-bag to hide his rage-filled face and – while cradling Mum's head – goes to the pier to pick up her locket with a picture of themselves.

"The right in front of you."

Jason walks over to it, unsure if he wants to use it. "It's OK, son...go pick it up."

Jason kneels on the ground and picked up the machete. Looking at his mum's blood on the blade, he sets his mum's head down beside him before looking out at the lake.

The rain continues to pour down as hard with the cloudy sky ripped open to unveil a full moon shining down on the lake water.

"Now, you're the only one...alive and well. The time has come...for leave your mark in Crystal Lake!" said Pamela.

Jason can see the lake-water turning red, the sky going black and feel the rain giving him some extra power in his mind.

"These people....they don't belong here!

"They want to take over our land!

"They want to take you away from me, Jason!

"They took me away from you,

"Go find the person who took me away from you!

"Make her pay!

"Punish her!!

"Kill her!!!

"After that, anybody else that comes into this place, they're gonna wish they never did!

"That's what I want you to do, Jason!

"Kill them all!

"Kill for me!

"Kill for mother!!!







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