Chapter 1 3/2/2021 Edit

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PLEASE don't sexualize children or ship them with adults, goodness, In my head I was thinking Lance said this thinking back to when Lance was 17 and Pidge was 15. But they're all older now and he doesn't like her anymore. Even if he was 18 or 19 him having a crush does no harm, cause shes a hella cool character so I can see why anyone could like her. However I wouldn't pair them and write about it while keep them as minors cause that's yucky. If you ship adults and minors please gtfo and don't come back, that's not the kind of audience I want or support.

TW: Abuse mention

ALSO jeeze just read the comments omg fine I edited it happy? I explained many times before that I use the word 'Gay' as a  umbrella term and know Lance is Bisexual, all of my bi/demi/pan friends also call themselves gay despite not honestly identifying with it because it's an umbrella term, which is why I used it cause I do that same thing. But there's way too many comments and it's getting on my nerves so I'll hecking fix it if your really that upset about it

"Lance! Come taste this for me!" The yellow paladin called out to his friend. Lance rushed over taking the mysterious fruit and bit into without hesitation. It tasted.. Like a mango? "This is pretty good, like a space mango!" Hunk smiled knowing fully well what Lance had just taken a bit of. It's a rare fruit that forces you to tell the truth, and tell your secrets to anyone. Hunk planned to have Lance confess to eating his left overs, though it wouldn't go as planned. The fruits effects lasted 3 to 5 days depending on how much he ate. 

"Pidge!" Lance said happily turning to the green paladin, "Yknow, you were hotter when I thought you were a boy-" He cut himself off and blushed a dark red. Where did that come from?? Pidge blushed a little not knowing weather to be mad or possibly flattered? Hunk couldn't help but laugh, only Hunk knew he was bisexual. Since those three were the only ones out, lets hope Pidge would keep her mouth shut.

                          -back at the castle-

All the paladins were eating dinner when, "So, how did the mission go guys?" Shiro asked, "I accidentally confessed to Pidge I'm bi-" Lance realized what he had just said and covered his mouth. Keith dropped his spoon and Hunk tried to keep from laughing. "Well.." Keith started to make it less awkward, "At least theres always something worse right? It shouldn't matter anyway-"

"Worse?" Lance repeated. "Keith no what did you do!?!" Hunk and Pidge glared at him, though Keith was unaware of the fruit.. 
I watched my dad beat my mom every night-" His eyes widened and he couldn't help but shake at his own words. Why was he confessing everything all of a sudden?? He got up and rushed out of the room before anyone could say anyhting.

"Where did that come from..?" Keith asked looking over at Hunk, still shocked. "It.. It might have been the, um... Space mango? That kinda sorta forces you to confess everything-" He looked at the looks on everyone face, "I-I just wanted him to confess to eating my leftovers I didn't think he had anything like that going on I swear! But I'm sure he doesn't have anything else like that-"

"How long do the effects last?" Keith asked. Hunk counted on his fingers, "About four to six quintants?"

"Three to five days???" Keith asked surprised. Hunk slowly nodded. Everyone sighed, "Well lets not asked him anything then? Just go about your business and say nothing about this till the effects wear off ok?" Shiro said looking to everyone, who all nodded in agreement. 

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