Chapter Thirty- Eight

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Warning: Has not been edited


"Your. Daddy. Probably. Deserved. It." Aria said.

Avalon and her father were not on good terms at all before he was killed. But I know wholehearted that it still pained her that her father was gone.

Avalon might have walked away, leaving Aria unscathed. But Aria really is just stupid and had a death wish. I know Avalon. She is smart and tender hearted, but there is only so much someone could take before they reached their breaking point- and if Aria keeps it up, it might be soon.

Avalon was tense in front of me, clenching and unclenching her fists. I could hear her grinding her teeth together, trying to keep her temper at bay.

Which failed.

"Look, I don't know what the hell I ever did to deserve any of this to you, but I'm tired of it. I'm tired of your fake ass with your fake hair, fake eyelashes and fake attitude. Any and everything that comes out of your mouth is bullshit," she turned towards our audience. "And if you all believe anything that comes out of this things mouth, then you belong in the same insane asylum as her."

"Avalon-" I tried to interject.

"NO!" She turned around and yelled at me. I flinched slightly, not used to this tone from her being directed at me. "I'm tired of having how I feel and what I think suppressed. It is my turn to be pissed. It's my turn to be the bitch." She turned right back to Aria, a deadly glare in her eyes. "You," she poked Aria hard in the chest. "Are nothing. You are not worth the gum on the bottom of my shoe. You sit there on your shiny, make believe throne and act as if you are high and mighty when in reality you are no better than any of us. You are arrogant, obnoxiously incompetent and overall a horribly disgusting human being. People like you make me doubt any kind of dignity, intelligence and humanity in this fucked up world. People like you are the reason so many kind hearted, loving people get trampled on and down graded. And for what? To make yourselves feel better? Are you that much of a Sadist that you enjoy bringing pain and misery to others?" Avalon's voice cracked. I could see shimmer in tears forming in her eyes.

Arias eyes were wide, brimmed with tears and her face was pale. She was all the way up against the lockers, trapped between them and Avalon.

Arias mouth opened a fraction then closed quickly.

"I'm done," Avalon whispered. "Whatever you're going to say, shove it up your ass and guide it to the bullshit you spout on a daily basis. I'm done with you."

Avalon turned away and started towards her first period, the halls parting like the red sea.

As soon as she was out of sight, the halls bursted with murmurs. Mostly agreeing with Avalon and feeling pity for her.

I walked up to Aria, not holding the disgust from my tone.

"You know you're a terrible person when you piss off the shyest, most caring girl in this town. You are truly the definition of a bitch. See you in hell," a tear rolled down her cheek as she looked to the floor in shame.

She deserved it.


I know she will pull through this. She has to. I'm not sure how I would be if I ever lost her too.

I ignored the whispers and walked to my first period, anxious to go home and make my Princess feel better.


The end of the day came slowly. The few periods I had with Avalon, she seemed back to normal. But I can read her like the back of my hand and tell that she is stressed.

Suddenly, an idea popped in my head.

I have the perfect way to cheer her up and rehearse for the competition at the same time!

The bell rang and students poured out  onto the hallways. I spotted Avalon's blonde hair and caught up to her before she got lost in the crowd.

"Hey," I said breathlessly. I don't even know why I was out of breath. Just being around her lately makes my heart do crazy flips in my chest.

"Hey," she smiled lightly.

"Were going out tonight."

She looked up at me with her full, pink lips pursed. She slowly began to shake her head, making her hair fall into her face.

"Sin, I just-"

"No," I interrupted. Feeling a little brave, I interlaced our hands and pulled her closer to my side. "No buts. We are going out tonight. You deserve to feel better and I will die trying to do that."

She thought for a moment and nodded. A full blown smile bloomed on my face. Since when did I smile so much?

"Good. Dress comfy casual," I added.

I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry. School. Parenthood.

Okay, so if you guys are into werewolf books like I am (cliche ones and unique ones) you seriously need to check out The Queens Restraint if you haven't already. It's not completed yet but I promise it is worth the wait! It is different from a lot of books about werewolves on here and it is superb. I got so entranced with it, I read all fifty something chapters in less than 20 hours. I'm OBSESSED!


Don't forget to




Brittney 💜

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