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"I'm honestly worried about how this is going to go down." Peta said the morning they were taking Lottie to the daycare to explore. It was officially Sharna's second week with them and that meant they really had to begin prepping for when she would no longer be with them.

"I know babe, I think we just gotta see how she does. At least she'll have Maverick there and that may help a lot more than we realize." Sharna said as she watched her best friend.

"I'm just glad you're here for this. I don't think I'm ready to be away from her any more than I think she's ready to be away from me."

"I know babe, I'm here for you both."

"Thanks, I guess now that we're ready I need to get this munchkin up and we can get her ready." Peta said with a sigh. She and Sharna had woken up earlier than usual to get ready for the adventure.

"Let's just make it an adventure. That may help." Sharna suggested as she followed Peta into her nieces bedroom. Peta nodded and moved over to Lottie's crib. She also realized that was another thing she was going to have to switch soon. Lottie needed to transition to a toddler bed at some point.

"Hey sweet girl, it's time to get up. We have some exciting things we have to do today." Peta said as she moved Lottie's curls out of her face. She usually tried to pull her long brown locks into a ponytail before bedtime but more often than not, it was still a disaster in the morning.

"No momma, seeps more." Lottie grumbled. Peta laughed slightly, Lottie was much like her father in the waking up regards. It wasn't that they weren't morning people, they just didn't like to be woken up before they were ready.

"I know sugar but we have to go explore somewhere new. Aunt Sharna is going to do your hair pretty and we're gonna see Maverick." Peta offered. Lottie groaned and held her arms out to her mother.

"Hi munchkin, good morning." Sharna said as she rubbed her back.

"No." Lottie whimpered and buried into Peta.

"Alright baby, I know you're grumpy because I woke you up. Let's just sit in the rocker for a little bit until you're all the way awake."

"Lily." Lottie said through her whines.

"Here munchkin. Lily is right here." Sharna said slipping the kitten into her niece's arms. Peta settled in the rocker with her while Sharna took a seat on the floor. They sat there in silence letting Lottie wake up. At one point both girls were certain Lottie had fallen back asleep but were met with the Lottie's voice.

"Mav?" She asked as she picked her head up from Peta and looked between her mom and aunt.

"Yeah, we're going to see his school and where he plays while his daddy is at work." Peta said.

"Oh." She said before dropping back into Peta who shrugged at Sharna's grin.

"Toast?" Lottie asked in a few more minutes.

"We were going to take you to get a donut instead sugar. Do you want to do that?" Peta asked laughing already at the speed in which Lottie sat up and looked at her mother.

"Yes peas! Donuts for beasfeast?" Lottie asked.

"Yup, you just have to go potty and then we'll get you dressed and do your hair. Aunt Sharna and I are already ready."

"Tay, be back. Potty time." Lottie said taking off from the room. Peta laughed and shook her head before standing up and grabbing the dress she had bought Lottie for today. It was a blue denim dress with little white accents. She had brown sandals and Sharna was going to braid her hair almost like Elsa's side braid.

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