Like, total sister's love

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My little sister Ava, is like, the smallest, cutest, loveliest and the most evil, scheming devil alive. Like, just today my parents totally forced me into bringing my sister along with me to a shopping trip to get a present for my BFF's b'day. I even saved up forty three dollars and twenty six cents for her present and my devil of a sister told me that I 'needed' to buy a fluffy toy dog for her and when I said 'No!' She totally placed me under her spell by doing the same puppy dog eyes as the white, fluffy dog next to her. So of course, I had to think of something by myself to give my BFF that would totes rock because I spent all my money on buying a fluffy, toy dog for my sister. I was flat broke! I've only got nine dollars and five cents left. Not only that, but if I didn't get her a present this year...I shivered. I might not survive.

My sister and I passed shop after shop after shop full of stuff that was totally useless or waaay too expensive for me. One more shop then we'd have to go home 'sigh' and face my parents, let's just some borin- Oh. My. Gosh. Those crystals are totally rad! I think I'm in lov- wait! I've got to keep on track! This is for my BFF. I looked up and what dangled just above us was the shop name and details. Hmmm.... Mrs Aimee Vern's mystery shack. Funny, it's not even a shack and next to her name was a ghostly fortune...thingy and wrinkly old hands around it. Alright, soooo not creepy at all. The doorbell tingles lightly as my sister and I walk in.

I could taste the dust on the shelves, flourished with creepy objects, and is that...ooh that's just horrible they have Faeces. Yuck! Even Ava wrinkled her nose at that...oh. Wait, she just sneezed. I walked passed the...other shelves quickly, sister in tow in hopes to get out of the shop quickly. Just as I'm about to grab a small pouch of crystals to buy. An old lady with a torn up, brown dress and frayed hair Puffs out of nowhere. Right in front of us! Like seriously? You don't just scare someone like that! It makes certain people make embarrassing squeaks, for example, me. She eyes me carefully and then my sister who smiles back, unaware of the wierd predicament we're in. "Um...hi, look I'd just like to-"

"Shh, shh, shh no need to fret you're looking for crystals, correct?" She turns and winks at an empty spot. Okay so she's crazy, but this is for my BFF!

"Yes! Exactly so if you cou- mmf!"

"Hush now child" She placed her fingers on my lips "I cannot service you I have..." She giggles at that empty spot again "other services that are of much more importance than a birthday present" She ushers us towards the door.

"I understand-" I start "Wait! How did you know I was going to-" With a push that contained a strength way too big for an old lady, she shoves us out her front door.

"Hm...lucky guess. See yourself off now, come back soon!" she waves at us and starts to close the door.

"But I haven't even-"

"Goodbye!" and there goes my last chance at a birthday present...

"Come on...Ava lets go home..." I'm totally doomed. I held my hand out for my sister and gasp at the small sensation of a tingling and cold crystal and string being placed in it. "Okay...No way is this real" and she smiles up at me

"Yer not goin' ta leev your BFFF hangin'...are you?"

I smile back at her "Nah, guess not."

I guess even devils can be a bit cool sometimes.

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