Meet the Gang

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Brianna's POV

"Brianna Shae Daniels! You better not go to sleep at no 2:30 am again! Yeah I caught your tryna be sneaky ass! Now we're both gonna be late!" My Mama screamed from downstairs

"Ok Ok! At least let me put my hair in a decent bun Ma!" I yelled back trying to figure out how she found out.

I was getting the last few strands of my hair straight when my Mama started yelling again

"Brianna! If you are not down here in 30 seconds your ass is grass!" My Mama threatened

"I am trying to go as fast as I can, you yelling at me is really not helping me go any faster...damn!" I replied mumbling the last part

"Don't get smart little girl I'll come up their and whoop you" She yelled once again

I didn't even reply I just got my book bag and my white headband and went downstairs.

When I finally got to school I said bye to my mom and went into hell. I went to my locker and started getting my books. I got my last book out my locker then turned around to go to class. As soon as I walked in I saw my best friend Hayden. I went to go sit beside him but before I could sit down the world's biggest slut sat her fake ass in my seat. I can't stand her, she is always trying to get with Hayden when he doesn't want her. I don't know why she can't get that through that thick skull of hers.

I rolled my eyes at her and sat behind Haiden

*~After School~*

When school was over I put all my stuff in my locker then went outside to wait on Haiden to pull his car around. A few minutes later he pulled up with his twin brother Kaiden. I climb into the backseat, put my seat belt on and he pulled off. After minutes in silence Kaiden spoke.

"So um Bri didn't you have practice today?" he asked

"No they cancelled it because of finals next week because they want us to get as much studying as we can get, so yeah." I replied


"Oh um ok" He said back

"Yep" I said awkwardly looking out the window waiting for the car to get to my house.

Haiden's POV

Now you didn't hear it from me but Kaid might have the hugest crush on Bri, but you didn't hear from me. As I'm driving to Bri's house Kaid starts talking, in the back of my mind I'm just like please don't say something stupid please don't. But you know what he does, says something stupid. My brother will never get a girl acting like that. When we finally got to Brianna's house she asked if we could stay for a while. We obviously said sure. While I was still getting out Kaiden was already at the front door with her. This nigga needs to get his act together and just ask her out, cause he is just struggling.

Brianna's POV

*Authors Note*

So yeah! That was the first chapter. I know it was short but as we progress in the story they will get much longer. Especially because Summer is coming so I have more time to be on my phone so..yeah. Pls read, comment, share, and vote. Anything thnx persons💚

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