CHAPTER 9: Was This Love To Jennie?

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I woke up from a stomach pain... 

My stomach hurts like pain in the ass? 

I walked to the bathroom and did my business. 

After I did my business and washed my hands, I walked down the steps.

I prepared myself breakfast like usual and ate alone once again.

I cleaned up my mess and plopped onto the couch lazily. 

I didn't have the guts to do anything? I just wanted to stay home. 

*Ding dong* "Oh my god..." I groan as I walked over to the door.

"Jennie-ah!" Irene exclaimed with Taehyung by her side. 

"Irene!" I hugged her tightly. 

"So, how is living by yourself?" Irene smiled. 

I let out a long sigh, "hard? It's just hard ya know."

I rudely glared at Taehyung for stealing Irene from me. 

"I know, but sometimes? You just got to do things you don't like?" 

I shrugged my shoulders and scratched my head confusingly....

Taehyung's POV:

Irene and I then sat across Jennie. 

Jennie shrugged her shoulders and scratched her head confusingly.

I chuckled at her adorableness, I mean her ugliness. 

Was I really falling in love with Jennie? This can't be happening?

"Mwo! What do you keep laughing at!" Jennie yelled, causing me to stop laughing. 

"Ahem, mwo? I didn't do anything to you. Stop getting out of my nerves." I rolled my eyes and swung my arms around Irene. 


I smiled and pecked Irene's cheeks. 

"Oh! Do you guys want to hang?" 

I nod my head, Irene and I waited for Jennie's response.

"Huh? Oh, ye! Let's go!" Jennie faked a smile. 

I chuckled once again as I glared at Jennie.

"Uh, let me go get ready first?" 

She then left upstairs to do her girl problems....

"We should do something Irene?" I smiled. 

Irene gasped, "we should!" 

"Jennie-ah! Come down here!" 

A few minutes, Jennie finally arrived back down stairs. 

"Mwo? What is it, don't tell me we're going somewhere?" 

"We are? And you're coming along." 

Irene pushed Jennie upstairs and I was left alone in the living room.

I sighed and grabbed my phone quickly.

I deleted all the girls I had, but Irene...

Irene and Jennie then came back down stairs.

"Come on." Irene hugged my waist and we both walked out the front door. 

Jennie followed after.

"Where should we head to guys?"

"Oh shit! I have to perform today? Let's go to the mall for a sec..." Jennie quickly replied and pulled onto Irene's arms, dragging me along with them. 

❥Protecting You (보호하기 ) - Jennie X Taehyung X IreneWhere stories live. Discover now