CHAPTER 16: Comfort From Jungkook

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2 weeks has passed...

I was still upset over the fighting and everything?

I missed Irene tons and she didn't want to see me no longer. 

Did I really hurt her that bad? I'm sorry, I wish I can redo everything again.

I plopped onto the couch and sighed in irritation. 

"Omma? What is there to eat? I'm starving." 

"Uh, there's some eggs? Bacon and pancakes." 

"If you want some, come bring it for yourself." 

I groaned as I walked to the kitchen lazily.

"Are you still upset over your relationships with your friend and your boyfriend?" 

"Omma? He was not my boyfriend? We were just flirting and I regret it so much... I prefer loving Irene over that idiot Taehyung?" 

Omma sighed, "whatever? Just get over it soon, I'm tired of you blabbing."

I rolled my eyes and sat on the kitchen chair. 

I ate my breakfast in silence and watch omma eat her breakfast also. 

As I ate my last few bites, the sound of the doorbell had rung.

I walked to the door quickly and opened the front door. 

My eyes widen... "Appa! You're here?"

Appa gave me a tight hug and I welcomed him into the house. 

"How are you Jennie-ah! I haven't seen you for so long?!" Appa exclaimed.

I gave him another hug, "I'm great? Many things had happen to me these past few weeks, but I think I'm okay."

"Jinja? What kind of things?"

I gave a long depressed sigh, "you know Irene right? The friend I had since childhood?"

"Ne, what happened between you two?"

"We aren't friends anymore, appa? I-It was all my fault."

Appa hugged me tightly.

"I know you miss her, but try to make it up to her. She'll probably forgive you honey."

I nod my head and sheepishly smiled. 

I was feeling better, appa was always by my side whenever I needed him. 

Should I go apologize to Irene? Will she forgive me?

After appa and I talked, omma finally walked into the living room. 

"Christian, you're here? Where have you been?" 

Omma kissed appa's chees and sat beside him. 

"I have been busy lately? Mianhae."

Omma forgave appa and they sat on the couch silently as I watched them cuddle. 

Just by watching omma and appa, I see Taehyung and I?

I shook my head quickly and ran up the stairs. 

I slammed the door and covered my face with the pillow. 

Why does Taehyung have to be in my mind? I hate Taehyung so much!

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Irene's number.

The phone was ringing and she haven't picked up yet.

❥Protecting You (보호하기 ) - Jennie X Taehyung X IreneWhere stories live. Discover now