Desert Rose 12; Disaster

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Desert Rose 12; Disaster

Victoire was late. Her parents, Bill and Fleur, were already there, sitting on the overstuffed couch together. Bill's right leg was propped up on the coffee table and he favored his left side for the time being. His right elbow was shattered, but healing after a few appointments with a doctor.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Had to work late." Victoire apologized as she pulled herself out of the fire. She had taken up a position at St. Mungo's since Uncle Charlie went to Romania two weeks ago. No one was sure why but she hadn't been pleased with going to Romania at the time.

"Its alright. At least you're safe." Teddy said, kissing her forehead. He smiled at the Potter/Weasley clan, who were all spread out near the fire. "Uh, we have news."

"Big news." Victoire added with a smile for her father.

"Bloody hell, if you're preg-" Bill's pending lecture and yelling was cut off by Fleur.

"Calm down, Bill. Our daughter is attempting to zay zomething." Fleur chastised, "Continue."

"Thank you." Victoire said, she smiled up at Teddy again, "We're getting married in June after Teddy is done teaching for the year."

"That's fantastic!" Ginny said, standing and pulling Victoire into a tight hug. She hugged Teddy next, "Welcome to the family."

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Molly said.

The next hour after that was spent celebrating with firewhiskey for the seventeen and up; and butterbeer for the younger ones.

"So what were those leads?" Rose asked as Teddy joined her at the back door. The door was partially open to let some air in.

"I believe there is an inside spy, very much like Severus Snape had been. Could possibly be a student or professor." Teddy said. They all had heard the stories and knew every detail of the seven years of Harry, Ron and Hermione's schooling ever since they were old enough to be told. "A person in the ministry. With some authority to bring dragons in without notifying the board."

Rose pondered his words and frowned at the surrounding cornfields. There must be something missing, it didn't make much sense.

"Any guesses on who?" Rose asked.

Teddy gulped down his fire whiskey. "If a student I suspect Harper Brown."

"What?" Rose uttered as her jaw slackened, "I may not be friends with Harper but she surely doesn't want me killed!"

Teddy shrugged, "Just a guess Rose." he patted her shoulder.

"There's someone out there." The words had barely left Rose's lips when a flash of green hit the side of the house.

"Stay inside." Teddy said as he ran out.

"But-" Rose protested

"STAY INSIDE!" Teddy yelled as he chased the unknown person.

"Teddy!" Victoire called. She saw the door ajar and the smoldered piece of Burrow. "Teddy!" she screamed as she took off into the cornfields.

"This is all too familiar." Arthur said softly as he walked up behind Rose. "Ah. Your parents' sixth year."

Rose nodded as James went after Victoire and Teddy. She could hear the clashing of a duel. The sounds went on for a good ten minutes before she heard Victoire's scream. Rose looked up in the sky and saw a dark cloud take someone, go up, and then disappear.

"Impossible." Arthur breathed

"Victoire." Rose realized hearing more screams. She tore through the cornfield before she stumbled across Victoire, who was still screaming.

"R-Rose." Victoire stuttered as tears ran down her face. Rose stepped from behind Victoire and looked down at the body on the ground. Teddy writhed in pain as he clutched his side and let out his first scream.

"Teddy!" Harry called as he jogged into the clearing. Everyone else followed close behind.

"I'll help him." Molly said as she moved to sit next to Teddy.

"Where's James?" Rose asked

"Right here." James breathed. His forehead was damp with sweat and his breathing was getting a bit shallow. "I traced whoever was here. You won't believe this s.hit."

"Death Eaters." Arthur filled in. "I saw 'em leave."

"But that's not possible. He-who-must-not-be-named was killed years ago!" Hermione argued

"And there are still Death Eaters on the loose." James replied calmly.

"Oh do be safe James." Ginny said with a worried expression.

"Everyone in the house. Now." Arthur instructed as Harry and Ron lifted Teddy.

Rose pulled Victoire up and helped her cousin inside. "Teddy's alright Vicky." Rose spoke once she got Victoire sitting on the couch. Teddy let loose another scream from upstairs, then it went quite.

"Teddy should rest now. He's a little delusional." Molly said, reaching the kitchen. She looked at Victoire and handed her a cold cloth. "Put this on his forehead when you get up there."

Victoire nodded as she accepted the cloth and took the stairs two at a time to reach the room Harry and Ron had put Teddy in.

The next morning Rose sat up in her bed and looked out the window. She was sharing the attic room with Lily and Victoire. Lily was sound asleep and Victoire had spent the night with Teddy. Rose stood and opened the window as an owl flew in. She didn't recognize this one and accepted the letter he held. It was addressed to her.

"Who's this from?" Rose asked the owl, even though she was aware he wouldn't answer. She sat on the edge of her bed and opened the letter.

'Dear Rose,

Meet me in Diagon Alley. Two days before Christmas, come alone please. I long to see your freckled face again. I also have something to give to you.

Scorpius H. Malfoy'

Rose smiled and pulled parchment, a quill, and some ink out from her trunk. She wrote her agreement and also a promise for a gift for him also.

"I guess you are Scorpius's owl." Rose said as she stroked the owl's feathers. He was a reddish brown with traces of white on the tips of his feathers. She handed him the envelope and he took off again.

"Was that an owl?" Lily asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Yes, Lily." Rose replied with a smile. "Be back." She jogged down the stairs and found her father already eating something. "Morning dad."

"Morning Rosie." Ron greeted with a smile.

"Can I go to Diagon Alley? Tomorrow?" Rose asked, realizing the date. It would be fine.

"By yourself?" Ron asked, "No. You're too young."

"I'm sixteen! Weeks from seventeen." Rose argued.

"She's right, Ron." Hermione input. She had heard most of the conversation from the stairs. Both her husband and daughter could be stubborn when they wanted to be.

"Hermione." Ron said in disbelief.

"Thanks mum." Rose said, hugging her mother.

"Just be safe." Hermione whispered as she patted Rose's back. They grew up so fast. Hermione wondered if her parents had felt the same way.

Rose figured she'd just snag him a gift before they met up. When she returned to the room she shared with her cousins she found Scorpius's owl waiting for her once more. There was only one word on his reply. 11 o'clock.

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